mermaid musings

new moon in libra {current mood}

New Moon in Libra
October 19 | 3:12 PM EST 

The Horoscopes (you can sign up anytime) for Thursday's New Moon are up & out to subscribers. It's Libra's last hoorah until next year & now that Jupiter is in Scorpio & the Sun will be as well soon, shit is gonna get even realer. But we're more ready than we were before. And if we're not, we can ask this New Moon to help us center ourselves in what we need to know to move forward.

Scorpio is Death but there's something about Libra, something about the clear clear air & high up vantage points that makes you realize- Oh, Fuck. I didn't get what I wanted. Oh Fuck, they're not there anymore. Oh, Fuck. How quickly people can leave & stay & return & never come back. Libra is extremely interpersonally focused & we become familiar with what we need from other people. Let alone what we need them to see in us & how they need us to show up. It's complex, it often feels like a mess but damn, it's fucking glorious that we give a shit in the first place. Venus. 

I'm grieving for Puerto Rico (ways to help here) & I'm grieving for relationships & I'm grieving for who I can no longer be. And I'm FREE. And I'm seeing so much pain & so much liberation from what we don't need to be invested in. Fucking dichotomies. The both-and. The "all of the above" feelings.  This in-between the fight of Libra for authentic relationships & alignment and the deep, deep waters of Scorpio that we usually travel alone. 

I'm thinking a lot about collective movements for justice (thanks Jupiter in Libra) & how Jupiter in Scorpio is really going to bring it home that the way these long-term fights for what is right remain sustainable is when they're rooted from the inside out. That our contribution to the world is often born from our own revelations, evolution, & the radicalization of what it means to OWN YOUR SHIT. We gonna have to own our shit with Jupiter in Scorpio. We gonna learn that oppression is not just external forces but internalized narratives that will not be secrets for much longer & we can no longer lie about. 

I'm holding all of this more & am going to spend some time during the Dark Moon (the day or two before the New Moon) figuring out what it all means for how I move forward in my relationships & community. How my evolution impacts the ways I engage in the collective & the interpersonal & what my work really is as a bruja. I spoke last night at Red Tent (a radical feminist (non-TERF) group I hold space with once a month) about how I want to see what's standing when I stop perpetuating the patterns that leave me unsatisfied & give other people the permission to determine my power. 

And I think I'm getting to the point where I just want my world to know that I'm not playing no motherfucking games. I love deeply, I love for real, I work hard, & I'm willing to do what needs to be done, to say what others won't, & to go where I'm not supposed to be allowed. These are the parts of myself that are nonnegotiable. This is what my new moon intentions will be centered in. I invite you to stop playing games as well; this is an invitation I would accept before Jupiter in Scorpio takes you to school on it. ;) 

I am available for some 1:1 sessions on what Jupiter in Scorpio will mean for you individually. Astrology is collective but where it really impacts each person is revealed by chart context. You can book me here & I will contact you asap to schedule our session for within the next month.  I would also love to remind you that you can follow me on Facebook & Instagram. I tend to be more present there than on the Blog since I am on a content production sabbatical until November. <3 

Happy New Moon! 

saltwater & stars  

in the dark {new moon in virgo}

New Moon in Virgo
September 20 | 1:30 AM EST

Until the Moon renews, we're in a Dark Moon phase. You can't see la luna at night anymore & energy may similarly become invisible. It seems many are feeling this strongly right now- I think Dark Moons in Leo (the sign before Virgo) are super potent because Leo is about our self esteem, our creativity, & our power. All things we need to align with to do the work of Virgo. I feel like right now we're preparing for what we may not even be able to see is coming. We're cleaning & cleansing & adjusting details- which is what Virgo does best in any scenario. The Sorter, the Healer, the Aid, the Hermione... 

As usual, I'm encouraging moon-children & mermaids to take extra care, extra rest, & extra love during the Dark Moon. This is the portal where we eliminate any unnecessary shit so we can get clear about our intentions, so we can actually give birth. I always imagine myself in a dark room alone, doing nothing but feeling everything, crying saltwater, & leaving refreshed. That's the kinda process that is going on in some way with the general energy of Dark Moons. 

They're also an excellent time for magic, ritual magic- which is another specialty of Virgo. Infusing the mundane with the Divine. Bringing thought (Mercury, Virgo's planetary ruler) into Earth (Virgo's element). Whenever I write about Virgo I end up explaining the essence of the sign a lot because there's just something so solid & tangible about it, even though all this Virgo energy right now (Sun, soon-to-be Venus, Mercury, Mars) pulls  on my emotional Pisces Moon (the opposite sign of Virgo).

So, take it easy & trust your urges to surrender & cleanse.  Write up some beautiful, sleek intentions for the New Moon in Virgo, integrate them into practical shit or support, & let them grow organically. This New Moon is an opportunity to put into practice all the Eclipse revelations, ground all the Leo fire so it keeps burning, & prepare for the liberation that will be the Full Moon in Aries on  October 5th. 

saltwater & stars

mermaid musings on magic

Thanks to Jena Schwartz's 10 Week writing group on SIGNS, I wrote in response to a prompt about the pursuit of magic. I want to share it here as it is super relevant to my work. I hope you find some magic in it for yourself. It is raw & unedited. <3 

Do you really want to know this? I don't think it's a pretty story. The pursuit of magic means losing everything, sometimes. It's surrender, really. Which sounds sublime but in actuality is one of the most painful processes. To release. 

I can't tell you about the pursuit of something until I define what it is, so you see the destination. Magic is synchronicity and power and free will. It's a mixture of everything we hate and everything we love and being able to choose. Magic is an incredible feeling, it's when you feel like you're on path, on your way, like things are good. And hell, magic is when things are terrible, on fire, dying. Magic is the choice to keep going. To continue living. To construct and deconstruct and reconstruct. That's magic. It's WORK. You sometimes fall into it or fall out of it but ultimately you make it. 

Magic is not giving other people, places, or things the power that belongs to you. Magic is the ownership of definition. Magic is autonomy. Simultaneously, magic is also interconnectedness. Merging. Partnerships. Magic is blending and choosing together. Magic is Everything. And yet, it is possible to be without it. 

This is why the pursuit of magic is actually painful. Because you must leave so much behind and say no so often, trusting that what you're saying yes to, the unknown, will be magical. The pursuit of magic can be life-giving, when you realize that magic is really your ability to expand your capacity for power and the unknown. 

Magic is Paradox. Isn't that life? 

The pursuit of magic is a pinnacle overlooking a long, bright river. You think about jumping but you don't. You just sit and appreciate. The pursuit of magic is sex- it takes consciousness, attention, intention, and trust. Making love to life. The pursuit of magic is your heart shattering in a million pieces over and over again and yet somehow you think this is what life is supposed to be so you stay with it, eventually changing your mind. The freedom is breathtaking then. 

The pursuit of magic is burning with a rage so pure that you would do anything for the ones you rage for. Give endless time, resource, and energy for just a little reprieve. Justice. Liberation. The pursuit of magic is burning with a rage so dark you can't see yet somehow, you do no harm. But you never take any shit either. That's magic. How few get there, how long it takes to arrive. 

The pursuit of magic is a beautiful, tragic, story that not actually all of us tell because not everyone will choose. It is rare to want to choose the pursuit; it's exhausting. There is no instant gratification. There is little recognition. 

I think the secret that keeps us in pursuit is that Magic is the one thing that really does last forever.


enter leo, your host for eclipse prep

Sunday morning on the East Coast of USA was a glorious New Moon in Leo at ZERO degrees. The beginnings of beginnings. The Alpha. For some of us, much came up to be released beforehand to make room for the new. For others, much began to fill up the space that had been ready. I suspect that it's a bit of both for most of us. I've been explaining this New Moon as a prelude to the Eclipses in August. Aquarius owns the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on August 7. Then Leo is BACK for a Solar Eclipse New Moon on August 21. What I'm feeling is super cool about the second Leo New Moon is that it will be at 29 degrees. The last degree. The Omega. 

I'm currently in a week long Unraveling about Reclaiming Power. Leo season was coming & it became apparent that I needed it. Needed something to remind myself of my power. To integrate everything I've learned the past few years, and to dismantle the ways I've repressed it or used it to protect myself instead of being response-able. No judgement, just honoring what feels good & what no longer does within my relationship to myself. 

This is what I encourage us to play with during Leo Season...until the Solar Eclipse. Lead with your Heart. Leo is the Sun. The Heart. The Center. You're allowed to BE with that & nothing else if you need to. If you want clarity, that's usually a route to it. Leo has an enormous amount of love & sunshine to give when it's seen, validated, loved in return. Think of your heart, your life, your self like this. Do you See yourself? 

This can look as simple as making a list of things you want, experiences you crave, feelings you desire. And then planning action around that. OR, it can look like affirmations- speaking love to yourself. Making love to yourself. Play with yourself. Reclaiming means you already have it. You just need to take it back or fill it up. I went in depth with all of this in the Horoscopes, of course. 

It's not too late to set intentions that will be super powered by the Eclipses. What do you want to feel? What do you want from life? From love? And how much of that can be-come from taking response-ability for your power? 

The Shop is always open so we can talk 1:1. I have extra time now & most of August. Take advantage ;) 

saltwater & stars