
pivoting with uranus

after almost 5 years of writing rising sign horoscopes through my site membership & almost 5 years before that writing lunation horoscopes (mostly unpaid) in other formats, I have become clear on a cellular level that it is time to release that aspect of my monthly offering.

Uranus is transiting my midheaven (iykyk); these realizations came suddenly (the kind of suddenness of a knowing that has been there for some time consuming you) and the decision unexpectedly quickly this weekend. with deep honor and gratitude, I am outgrowing containers that have been fundamental to my work and my life in many ways. there are so many ideas I have been gestating that I want to place my attention on so they can grow. I need to conserve energy where I can so that I can pour it into the places that feel generative and alive for me.

I am shifting from offering sign-by-sign horoscopes to increasing the depth of the Poetic Protocols, broadening the Ritualistic Recommendations to be all inclusive and cover more planetary ground, and have more time and energy to be in real time-space with my site members answering questions and weaving together.

writing non-generic/creative/oracular sign based horoscopes is the most challenging and skill sharpening astro-writing I’ve ever done. I can’t believe it’s been almost a decade. while it was often rigorous, I’m so grateful that my practice was built on this sacred ritual.

I’m really excited to release it & give myself the creative & energetic space I need right now. I think it’s going to be the shift that breathes even more life into my monthly offering & work in general.

I share this in case anyone else needs permission to pivot.🤍

love in action

to be in sustainable, dynamic relationship I need to be able to love myself in ACTION & love you in action SIMULTANEOUSLY.

I have learned it is harmful for me to stop the first action to engage the second. this becomes the fundamental that shapes the container & fills the space between us. woven into the layers is explicit, irrevocable permission to change.

these layers are solidified by integrity: an understanding that values are integrated into praxis, free from the pressure of “perfection” because no is out here pretending towards that.

gentle compassion is included in the collaboration of these aspects because I accept that my participation in the initiation & maintenance of inside-out love is my response-ability. therefore I don’t require your performance or parenting, though neither does it absolve you from your own participation & reciprocity.

ultimately, I have to decide at all times what space/container is needed to facilitate the successful operation of this fundamental: to be in sustainable, dynamic relationship I need to be able to love myself in ACTION & love you in action SIMULTANEOUSLY.

shout out to my longest friend & to all the friends that remind me of who I am, free of charge & expectation. we all deserve non-transactional love, we all deserve the destruction of a hierarchy of intimacies.


uranus on your ass

Uranus is humbling to experience. they remind you that nothing is in your control. they’re unlike Saturn transits that humble you with realizations of what is in your control & therefore the consequences you’re responsible for. Uranus is accept, adapt, adjust spirals on repeat. Uranus is the death of the self in ways that make former contexts or perceptions irrelevant. different than a rebirth, it’s an upgrade, an awakening. but it feels like complete destabilization.

Uranus in taurus has opposed planets transiting 1-10 degrees of scorpio & more permanently, has opposed those with natal placements in early scorpio since spring. those with planets in early degrees of taurus, leo, & aquarius are also feeling this. if your Sun is involved (April taureans, July leos, October scorpios, January aquarians) it may feel like a kinda identity crisis.

for example, center is the safest location but when it’s under construction you can’t always find it. this transit (Uranus opposite the Sun) feels dangerous sometimes, like you don’t even recognize yourself anymore.

you’re scared because there are shards of glass everywhere from standing too close to reflections. it makes sense…tornadoes need space so they can widen into spirals upward. destruction is just a part of a process.

it’s not just a mind-change. it’s been a praxis shift, a disorganization of self into parts. some of them still feel true, some of them feel familiar, some feel fucking foreign.

nothing is going as expected— actually, you’ve barely had time to form expectations while adapting to the constant flux of self, let alone everything around you.

as an astrologer, I’m also watching as matters of money & security that are tied into identity become chaotic for many under Uranus in taurus transits. it can just not be a fun time— you’re allowed to not be intellectual or into it. there are no “right answers”. there is just accepting, adapting, & adjusting. that can seem like a hyper-detached approach but on a real level, it means taking care of yourself no matter how wild the learning curves get. it means developing new levels of patience & non-judgement. it means letting new approaches & responses emerge.

but also, “I don’t know” & “let’s give it a try” & “this doesn’t last forever” are your best friends. for more perspective on how to survive your Uranus transits, we can work together.


relationships as revolution: registration is open

some of us are waiting for the revolution but are terrified to actually live our radical values in relationships, not just in temporal community spaces or conceptual theory. yet there is no community & there is no theory without relationships. without relationships, there is no revolution.


the resistance is overwhelming. the scope of the work that needs to (and will) be done for our collective healing is massive. the change is inevitable but painful & destabilizing. during Uranus in aries, our movements & personal political psyches confronted our reactivity. we confronted hyper-individualism with fierceness. we fought in ways that shattered timelines & cultural commitments.

Uranus in taurus is here to teach us how to transition with the bravery we exercised with aries into sustainability. from the personal to the collective, we are craving a more self-sufficient stability. this requires us to reject the patterns that keep us exhausted, destabilized, & isolated. what this requires is for us to implement micro-strategies towards freedom.

join me live for a workshop on Saturday, May 25th to explore Uranus in taurus & starting at the touchpoint of the most sacred- relationships designed by radical values.

saltwater & stars