
dark moon recommendation

NEW MOON solar eclipse in capricorndecember 26 @12:13AM EST

“To get along with god, consider the consequences of your behavior.”—Octavia Butler

Saturn is tired of irresponsibility. the Moon is tired of overresponsibility. at this point, we’re all mother-fucking tired of the bullshit. if you’re not, congratulations on the work you’ve put in or sorry about the reality checks incoming.

the conflation of integrity with perfection will crush Jupiter’s hopes if we allow it to continue. those with integrity are tired of the resentment from those who struggle with it (you’re not perfect, you aren’t better than anyone) when we know damn well nobody said that. those who struggle with integrity are tired of the lack of grace those who pride themselves on their own (know better, do better at all times or you ain’t shit) when we know damn well that practice is the greatest teacher.

it’s all projection & we don’t need to play those games anymore. assuming responsibility for other people’s actions/behaviors or tryna pass on your own is dangerous. if you busy with somebody else’s actions & consequences, you’ll be pressed when your own come through. let them hold theirs as you mind the business of holding your own. on the other hand, grown ass people don’t act a way because of someone else, nobody can make you feel or do shit. this is how victim blaming happens, this is how abuse thrives, this is how we stay trying to hold people accountable when they don’t want to be.

Saturn says stay in your lane. Jupiter says grow up, glow up. Pluto says power isn’t to be played with. the Sun & the Moon say love yourself. the eclipse says you’re gonna learn either way so why not decide to participate?

I know you didn’t deserve the inheritances of harmful power dynamics, fractured relationships, & self-abandonment that you came into. I know you didn’t deserve to be betrayed, abused, or neglected. I know the roots go deep but the tradition doesn’t need to belong to you. it’s not your fault. but it’s time to do something about it, it’s time to repair, it’s time to listen. the pain of these processes is excruciating but you’ve come all the way here, starling. trust that you can hold yourself the rest of the way…or don’t. whatever you choose, do it for you.


uranus on your ass

Uranus is humbling to experience. they remind you that nothing is in your control. they’re unlike Saturn transits that humble you with realizations of what is in your control & therefore the consequences you’re responsible for. Uranus is accept, adapt, adjust spirals on repeat. Uranus is the death of the self in ways that make former contexts or perceptions irrelevant. different than a rebirth, it’s an upgrade, an awakening. but it feels like complete destabilization.

Uranus in taurus has opposed planets transiting 1-10 degrees of scorpio & more permanently, has opposed those with natal placements in early scorpio since spring. those with planets in early degrees of taurus, leo, & aquarius are also feeling this. if your Sun is involved (April taureans, July leos, October scorpios, January aquarians) it may feel like a kinda identity crisis.

for example, center is the safest location but when it’s under construction you can’t always find it. this transit (Uranus opposite the Sun) feels dangerous sometimes, like you don’t even recognize yourself anymore.

you’re scared because there are shards of glass everywhere from standing too close to reflections. it makes sense…tornadoes need space so they can widen into spirals upward. destruction is just a part of a process.

it’s not just a mind-change. it’s been a praxis shift, a disorganization of self into parts. some of them still feel true, some of them feel familiar, some feel fucking foreign.

nothing is going as expected— actually, you’ve barely had time to form expectations while adapting to the constant flux of self, let alone everything around you.

as an astrologer, I’m also watching as matters of money & security that are tied into identity become chaotic for many under Uranus in taurus transits. it can just not be a fun time— you’re allowed to not be intellectual or into it. there are no “right answers”. there is just accepting, adapting, & adjusting. that can seem like a hyper-detached approach but on a real level, it means taking care of yourself no matter how wild the learning curves get. it means developing new levels of patience & non-judgement. it means letting new approaches & responses emerge.

but also, “I don’t know” & “let’s give it a try” & “this doesn’t last forever” are your best friends. for more perspective on how to survive your Uranus transits, we can work together.


affirmations from the sun in leo

the sun is in leo until 12:08am EST Thursday, August 23! it's been a weirder leo season than most with mercury retrograde in leo for most of it & mars retrograde in aquarius, the opposite sign of leo. as we transition into virgo season, the sun will continue to shine, just in a different part of our lives. I've crafted the following affirmations to support you in affirming yourself with leo confidence as we move into the analytical finesse of the sun in virgo. read for your rising sign or your sun sign if you don't know your rising. 

I am more confident when I assert myself & learn to be myself. this helps me grow with freedom & integrity.

I am more confident when I let myself learn to relax & slow down. this helps me grow with stability & ambition.

I am more confident when I connect to pleasure & learn adaptable communication skills. this helps me grow with flexibility & risk.

I am more confident when I practice compassion & nurture my power while honoring my feelings. this helps me grow with vulnerability & interdependence. 

I am more confident when I tell the truth & learn to be myself. this helps me grow with direction & honesty.

I am more confident when I learn to practice sustainability & humility. this helps me grow with pleasure & love.

I am more confident when I learn to center relationships & alignment. this helps me grow with adaptability & connection. 

I am more confident when I learn to transform pain into power & be vulnerable. this helps me grow with responsiveness & depth.

I am more confident when I learn to expand myself & examine my belief systems. this helps me grow with creativity & joy. 

I am more confident when I learn to commit to truth & the integrity of my values. this helps me grow with finesse & sustainability.

I am more confident when I learn to choose evolution & individuality. this helps me grow with authenticity & connection. 

I am more confident when I learn to trust my interconnectedness & unfolding path. this helps me grow with vulnerability & power. 


may this last day of the sun in leo bring you a moment of integration & realization that will center the productivity of virgo season. 

in other news, Saltwater Stars has been live for 2 years! there were a few other iterations in my 8 years of practice & this is the one that resonated the most. I'm grateful for each & every one of you that have participated in, contributed to, received, & shared this work. my salty truths & watery words are not for everyone. believing it is a necessary contribution to our evolution is a daily choice & I'm grateful for the reminders. 

I would love to read how Saltwater Stars has been medicine or astral support for you, if you want to share in the comments, a direct message, or email reply if you're a subscriber. because this work exists because you exist.

saltwater & stars