
lick your lips: the full moon in scorpio

MAY 18TH @ 5:11PM EST | 27 DEGREES

this one sexy, wild, & simultaneously grounding full moon. the waters of scorpio are blue like the hottest part of the flame, cleansing & comforting while being dangerous. there’s something satisfying about the kind of closure/revelation that surfaces during a scorpio full moon, whether it’s painful or pleasurable. scorpio wants to know what’s real; fuck being fake or pretending or niceties based on placating fragile hungry egos. who cares if the truth hurts? it’s priceless, it’s power, it’s generative.

everyone deserves the opportunity to have the full range of motion with their agency. we miss that when we’re hiding or wanting others to play small for our insecurities. we miss that when we give our power away, forget to take it with us, or aren’t even aware of it in the first place. we miss it when we try to control everything inside & outside of ourselves. the thing is, our power is so often waiting for us behind what we’re terrified of. our softness, our vulnerability, our brilliance, our defiance, our freedom, our love, our rage. will you stay in your unreconciled places until they become swamps around you?

the Sun & Mercury are making love in taurus during the full moon. this could be bringing the light of articulation to your desires/needs or those of others. you could realize that it’s time to walk away from whatever is draining your energy, you could implement stronger boundaries. you could walk deeper into a good thing, feel a message finally sink in on a cellular level, tell someone how you feel. the Sun-Mercury is throwing you a rope if you feel like you’re drowning in the waters.

Venus has also entered taurus, their first home. Uranus was already waiting there, so this is a different taste of Venus in taurus than we’re accustomed to. it’s all the usual encouragement towards a prioritization of delightful beauty, pleasure, art, aesthetic, & sensuality rooted in a healthy love for the self. however, Uranus adds this flavor of eccentricity, chaos, the unusual, & the conventionally rejected to it. we’re finding love in unexpected places, or creating experiences we’ve never had before, or changing the very essence of our relationships to pleasure, sex, food, money…

the energy available to us right now is very creative. creativity is doing something in a different way, however subtle, than it’s been done—by you. forget about everybody else: how can you tap into your creativity to navigate life? this means also forgetting “what it’s always been” based on your former experiences & allowing your mind to reset into a beginner’s perspective. sometimes this also means something needs to die (scorpio) for the new life to birth. you can keep holding on if you want, starling. no one will blame you. but I think we both know it’s been time to set the past aflame & let a Phoenix, a you that has never before been seen, rise from the earth.

it’s time to take a full, deep bite out of life. it could be salty, it could be sweet, maybe both. you won’t know sitting here waiting for it to prove you right or wrong. take a bite & lick your lips because if you’re ready, sweetness is ready for you.

for full length horoscopes on this full moon & more, join the COMMUNE.

for more on Uranus in taurus, check out the
upcoming workshop!

saltwater & stars

relationships as revolution: registration is open

some of us are waiting for the revolution but are terrified to actually live our radical values in relationships, not just in temporal community spaces or conceptual theory. yet there is no community & there is no theory without relationships. without relationships, there is no revolution.


the resistance is overwhelming. the scope of the work that needs to (and will) be done for our collective healing is massive. the change is inevitable but painful & destabilizing. during Uranus in aries, our movements & personal political psyches confronted our reactivity. we confronted hyper-individualism with fierceness. we fought in ways that shattered timelines & cultural commitments.

Uranus in taurus is here to teach us how to transition with the bravery we exercised with aries into sustainability. from the personal to the collective, we are craving a more self-sufficient stability. this requires us to reject the patterns that keep us exhausted, destabilized, & isolated. what this requires is for us to implement micro-strategies towards freedom.

join me live for a workshop on Saturday, May 25th to explore Uranus in taurus & starting at the touchpoint of the most sacred- relationships designed by radical values.

saltwater & stars

dark moon recommendation


this month’s dark moon recommendation is to lather yourself in affirmations like honey. whether you read them, write them, speak them, art them, dance them, kiss them, sing them, or just be them— it don’t matter. if it’s sweet like honey, if it’s lush like love, if it’s sure like the sunrise, luxuriate in it.

tell yourself things like: I have a good relationship with money. not making enough doesn’t mean I don’t deserve more. spending doesn’t mean I don’t deserve more. not having savings doesn’t mean I don’t deserve more. it means I need more! I love money as a resource & it loves me back. it always comes when I need it. it’s okay for me to receive money with ease. it’s okay for me to make money with pleasure. it’s okay for me to use money for ease & pleasure.

write out spells like: I create new life just by being myself. I never need to alter my love for anyone. I choose integrity as an investment into a future I want. I know what is important to me & share that with others. I am open to radical love, vulnerability, & trust. I am learning to love myself unconditionally. I am ready to thrive.

speak magic into the things you want to grow. speak tenderness into the places still sore. speak strength into the fragile seedlings. speak bravery into the fear. create beauty from the mess, from the residue, from what’s around you. create temporal experiences of pleasure to remind you how temporary all of this is. dance as long as you can, dance when it hurts, dance until the sun is almost risen & you remember what it is to start over. kiss slowly, kiss softly, kiss longer than you have before. sing your freedom out loud, sing your revelations, sing your joy. be everything you already are with fierce presence, because that waters everything you are becoming.

for new moon horoscopes & ritual support, subscribe to the

saltwater & stars

don't fuck with what you just got free from

full moon in taurus
wednesday, october 24 @ 12:45PM EST | 1 degree

it’s full moon day. horoscopes are in the Commune (check your inboxes, subscribers), magic is being made, love is abundant. to get us through what may end up being a wild ride, I’ve been listening deeply to the multiverse. here is what has come through…

sometimes feeling powerless comes from trauma. sometimes, ego keeps us there. power is not from outside of you. it is from deep inside.
it’s not about perfection or all-knowingness. we do what feels right in the moment. we adjust when new wisdom comes to what feels right in the next moment. adrienne maree brown says, “another thing that burns people out is wasted effort.” call your power back and call it forth. take the space you need to recalibrate the management of all your resources, including energy, because what the sun in scorpio cannot tolerate is wasted effort.

to thrive during this season, hone scorpio energy. HOLD your power, don’t run from or misuse it. deepen the intimacy & pleasure in your life by deepening the nonnegotiable boundaries with who/what harms you. we’re learning that individualistic approaches don’t care for collective needs; being resourced by your power allows you to center community without depleting yourself. now is an opportunity to do healing that transforms your long term & contributes to community. it is uncomfortable but this is what the full moon conjunct uranus in taurus, opposite sun and venus retro in scorpio is bringing.

these aren’t just fancy phrases- look to your lived experience. whatever is coming up for you IS your full moon story. reckon with your pain AND your power. when things change you’re not being punished, you’re being evolved. all the scorpio energy (sun, mercury, venus, jupiter) is asking us to redefine power by eliminating egotistical attachments to it & cultivating compassion for self & other. when we cling to ego we conflate confidence (among other things) with power. we conflate performance with truth. anything built on those conflations will be shaken under this moon + venus retro.

don’t stay afraid, that is forgetting your agency. trust, surrender. your intuition is magic. use it for good. learn to recognize your own light, love, and beauty so you can protect it from here on out. learn not to fuck around with compassion because it’s a powerful gift and we often misuse it to stay in relationship with toxicity. trust that learning what you need to know for your own liberation is a collective contribution. the freer we are, the freer the collective is, and the more we can give.

this can be a turning point, where we either spiral into who we were BEFORE or choose to let our grief generate new selves, boundaries, & possibilities. it’s important to feel through things because the emotions need to be honored or they will use ego as an outlet. this is why we need ritual, too. grieve what you need to leave. connect to what holds you steady. choose growth, choose flow. because holding on tightly to what is dying becomes toxic. uranus ON the full moon is freeing us from what keeps us small, in scarcity, or in danger. once you get free, don’t use all the fresh space to return to ways of being that are comfortable & familiar. don’t fuck with what you just got free from.

saltwater & stars

p.s: if you need help accessing your power & recalibrating your relationship to it, I highly recommend Staci Jordan Sheltons
UNRAVELED: Reclaiming Power. I have experienced it twice and each time it has changed my life.