
full moon in virgo

march 9 @ 1:47PM EST: blending the material & immaterial into substance like micro-strategies to support your real-time needs.

aries: acknowledge how much you’re holding & be encouraged to receive support proactively.

taurus: presence is what you will need to cultivate as timelines & projects accelerate.

gemini: take care of yourself as the home of all the brilliance you offer to the world.

cancer: create respite with those who will protect it with you, those who came before you.

leo: you are the altar. come as you are to life & watch the bullshit fall away.

virgo: pour grace all over yourself before you give it to somebody else.

libra: remember that you can teach people how to treat you, how to love you right.

scorpio: clarity is a reunion between you & the truth you already know. this benefits everyone.

sagittarius: no shame in living a dynamic life, being wide awake, making up your mind to change your mind.

capricorn: imagine then act as if you don’t have to be responsible for everything at all times.

aquarius: recognize love & abundance as your birthright, not something you need to earn through giving it all away.

pisces: retrieve yourself from the edges of the earth, call powers back to you from times they were taken or given away.

full length horoscopes & recommendations available via membership.


Mercury RX in Pisces: horoscopes & Ritualistic Protocol for tender times

February 2: Mercury entered shadow zone (warm up)
February 16: Mercury stations retrograde
March 9: Mercury stations direct
March 9-30: Mercury shadow zone (cool down)

Mercury retrograde in pisces is a time to reimagine possibility, surrender, & sovereignty. when Mercury entered the shadow zone, I shared some of how I am supporting myself in navigating this specific retrograde. I thought I would offer horoscopes to support you in navigating these tender times, too. they include tips for what to reimagine & what themes you can shape your ritualistic protocol around. more pro-tips at the bottom.

pisces rising
reimagine yourself as an ocean only you know. create pockets of empty time where possibilities & epiphanies can float to the surface. consider space, quiet, & intentionality the filters that keep your waters sovereign. if you feel a current pulling you away, surrender to its guidance or use it to resist directions/movements that don’t resonate anymore.

aquarius rising
reimagine where your money & resources are leaking. this may be about spending/giving too much or where your relationship to those things leaks power. to begin to plug the leak, you may need to consider different possibilities than you were given. surrender to time revealing the origin point & the medicine.

capricorn rising
reimagine the art of minding your business. this time period is full of possibilities to show mastery in it. when the business is yours to mind, be extra deliberate about honoring your sovereignty in communication. surrender isn’t just boundary work, it is also response-ability.

sagittarius rising
reimagine your ancestors in the way you reach your roots down, in the way you react when they’re disturbed. contemplate the medicine of your origins. experiment with the possibilities of just being. surround yourself with those who recognize your sovereignty. think about “enough” as a matter of surrender to your inherent lovability.

scorpio rising
reimagine creativity as operating within a nonlinear timeline. the clearer you can be about why you’re showing up, the easier it is to maintain your sovereignty amidst plot twists. use play (another word for surrender) to clear your channels for input about possibilities.

libra rising
reimagine a functionality that does not determine your sacredness. caring for your health & well-being is simply one possibility of loving yourself, not for proving your sovereignty to the world. give yourself as many breaks as necessary to catch your breath. there is no shame in using floaties so you don’t drown.

virgo rising
reimagine relationships, people as mirrors, functional boundaries. the slippery slope of taking responsibility for other people is more slippery than usual right now. possibility: ever so gently practice redirecting attention to yourself in small doses until you become more comfy in your sovereignty.

leo rising
reimagine tending to your mental health, grief processes, or discomfort within collaborations/shared resources. embrace possibilities to slow down & make necessary adjustments. containers of solitude help sift through what does/doesn’t belong to you. you are sovereign here & now, you were sovereign a long-time ago.

cancer rising
reimagine what it means to live in an ethic of curiosity. you may need to surrender versions of yourself to do so. yet the truth might be more generative than constricting your sovereignty. what is possible is not only about the questions you ask, but the answers you allow yourself to receive.

gemini rising
reimagine your life-direction. is it nuanced, complex, flexible enough for you? sovereignty isn’t sitting on a throne that never moves, it is being on your throne no matter where you are. possibilities of surrender are everywhere: the trick is to know which align & which distract. get quiet inside-out to know which.

taurus rising
reimagine community as shared wealth, health, & resources. what you can contribute with ease then becomes a benefit, rather than overextending from your own deficits. this is how you honor everyone’s sovereignty. there are more possibilities than you could ever surrender to at once so choose the one that brings calm right now.

aries rising
reimagine your emotional & spiritual well-being as an ongoing learning curve. you don’t need to know everything or be everything to survive. surrendering to what’s true for you right now opens up possibility in ways not visible before. your sovereignty is not dependent on your submission. carve space for yourself within.

pro-tips: what’s your ritualistic protocol for Mercury rx? take a moment to use your horoscope to shape a strategy of more space, surrender, & self-support. I use the word shape because it will be most effective if it is flexible, adaptable, & gentle. if you use tarot/oracles, expand on it by choosing one for this time period. make reminders/make it visible.

if this is your Mercury return, you have significant mutable (gemini, sag, virgo, pisces) placements, or you are gemini/virgo rising you may experience this retrograde more than most. if you share your ritualistic protocol for Mercury rx on social media, you can tag Saltwater Stars or use the hashtag #ritualisticprotocol.

for further astrology & emoceanal support, book a reading or become a member for access to full length monthly horoscopes.


mini scopes: full moon lunar eclipse in cancer

full moon lunar eclipse in cancer
january 10 @2:21PM est

read your rising sign for accuracy and/or sun sign for affirmation

aries: what you do out in the world does not define you. how you are out in the world does. endings or clarity are not punishments, but opportunities to grow in your power.

taurus: thinking deeply rather than broadly during this time uncovers solutions, which often come from resolving internal contradictions. identify what is true for you rather than attempting to exist in absolutes.

gemini: it is natural to want to cultivate security based on how others are showing up. Saturn reminds you that power is a practice of integrity & self-respect. be trustworthy to yourself.

cancer: love smarter not harder. you absolutely are capable of moving in glorious upward spirals. be honest about how you participate in the pattern(s).

leo: don’t allow others resentment or misunderstanding of your integrity to distract you. use your support systems & focus on not harming yourself. be patient & trust your lack of tolerance for bullshit.

virgo: do yourself justice by not suffering the inconsistency of others & be clear about your own agreements. be available to yourself so you can be available to your community.

libra: this is old school but that’s Saturn: sometimes you gotta do shit you DON’T WANT TO DO so you can experience growth. implement awareness & give yourself permission to outgrow your past.

scorpio: hyper-individualism is tempting because it provides a false sense of control. it is interdependence & accountability that is needed. honor what you know without overcompensating for your insecurities.

sagittarius: you might feel like you’re between a rock & a hard place. be willing to learn deeper lessons about how to give up to reduce harm, when to be vulnerable, & when to protect yourself.

capricorn: it is as important for you to approach things pragmatically as it is for you to approach them with intuition. we cannot always predict the outcome of trusting it but we can choose to respond.

aquarius: the more slowly you can move, the more deeply rooted the tangible results of listening to your inner guidance will be. the apocalypses of your psyche are the uncovering of your innate brilliance.

pisces: be transparent yet discreet about your visions for the future & the outcomes you desire from offering your brightest contribution. your approval is all that is required.

subscribe here for full length horoscopes & ritual recommendations.


'scope snippets for today's full moon

APRIL 19 @ 7:12 AM EST | 29 DEGREES

horoscope snippets for today’s libra full moon. join the COMMUNE to access your full length ‘scope, ritual recommendations, & more.
libra: vow to never leave yourself behind for love again, even if this is a promise you’ve made many times before. you have a right to create yourself, you have a right to love yourself, to trust yourself. 
scorpio: you are more than magical enough to do this work, to create new frameworks of believing, to escape the confines of your own imagination.
sagittarius: it’s scarcity that makes us hold onto things that are ready to change, grow, or go. trust that something more aligned & abundant is next— and that you’re ready to handle it.
capricorn: don’t let any amount of mess make you think progress isn’t happening. all you’re required to do is be present & honest about what you want & how you can show up.
aquarius: give yourself permission to change your frameworks of understanding so you’re not carrying baggage you’re actually ready to put down. ease looks sexy on you.
pisces: let’s talk about love, bb. let’s talk about it like you don’t have to earn it, like it’s infinite, like it’s all that you are. can you believe (it’s a practice) this is true?
aries: nourishing & cherishing yourself is the sweetest way towards alignment, the most organic way towards a future you feel good about & belong in. you deserve that.
taurus: your sustainability is more important than the temporal or ethereal concepts that ignite you. you make them real in the day to day, in how you ground them into practices & alignments.
gemini: it’s okay if you’ve given things away that left you lonely or aching. call your power & love back to you; this is regeneration, calibration, & realignment.
cancer: forgive yourself for no longer fitting into what has held you. sometimes containers grow with you, sometimes they don’t. tap into the understanding of cycles, phases, & nonlinearity you possess.
leo: no shame if you’ve found yourself in echos of patterns you thought were history. it may have nothing to do with being unwilling to change; the invitation has been to accept that it’s all process.
virgo: you are response-able for your needs & long-term satisfaction. find pleasure in separating yourself from what has been comfortable so that you can generate ecstasy in what is your inevitable success.

saltwater & stars