mini scopes: full moon lunar eclipse in cancer

full moon lunar eclipse in cancer
january 10 @2:21PM est

read your rising sign for accuracy and/or sun sign for affirmation

aries: what you do out in the world does not define you. how you are out in the world does. endings or clarity are not punishments, but opportunities to grow in your power.

taurus: thinking deeply rather than broadly during this time uncovers solutions, which often come from resolving internal contradictions. identify what is true for you rather than attempting to exist in absolutes.

gemini: it is natural to want to cultivate security based on how others are showing up. Saturn reminds you that power is a practice of integrity & self-respect. be trustworthy to yourself.

cancer: love smarter not harder. you absolutely are capable of moving in glorious upward spirals. be honest about how you participate in the pattern(s).

leo: don’t allow others resentment or misunderstanding of your integrity to distract you. use your support systems & focus on not harming yourself. be patient & trust your lack of tolerance for bullshit.

virgo: do yourself justice by not suffering the inconsistency of others & be clear about your own agreements. be available to yourself so you can be available to your community.

libra: this is old school but that’s Saturn: sometimes you gotta do shit you DON’T WANT TO DO so you can experience growth. implement awareness & give yourself permission to outgrow your past.

scorpio: hyper-individualism is tempting because it provides a false sense of control. it is interdependence & accountability that is needed. honor what you know without overcompensating for your insecurities.

sagittarius: you might feel like you’re between a rock & a hard place. be willing to learn deeper lessons about how to give up to reduce harm, when to be vulnerable, & when to protect yourself.

capricorn: it is as important for you to approach things pragmatically as it is for you to approach them with intuition. we cannot always predict the outcome of trusting it but we can choose to respond.

aquarius: the more slowly you can move, the more deeply rooted the tangible results of listening to your inner guidance will be. the apocalypses of your psyche are the uncovering of your innate brilliance.

pisces: be transparent yet discreet about your visions for the future & the outcomes you desire from offering your brightest contribution. your approval is all that is required.

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