
new moon in pisces mini 'scopes


read for your rising and/or sun. for full length ‘scopes, ritual suggestions, & astral support for the overall astro-climate join the COMMUNE. share witcha frendz!

PISCES: this portal is for you to let go of the myths of unattainability that keep you from being available to the magic you are & that others have to offer. could you be open to learning new ways of engaging with your surroundings & community that are self-affirming rather than self-sacrificing?

ARIES: this is a time to devote yourself to a frequent as possible practice that supports your upward spirals & downward dives. the amount of pisces energy you’re working with in the sphere of the un/subconscious requires sustainable, consistent containers that help you find yourself again & again.

TAURUS: gather your learnings & use them to create something magically different, exponentially more resonant, & communally necessary. the kind of growth that happens in the weaving of multiple threads, some of which are yours & most of which are not, requires an understanding of linear & nonlinear time.

GEMINI: diffuse frustrations with contemplation vs. decisions during this period. having it all figured out can stay at the bottom of the priority list as you reconnect with what it means to go through the world connecting dots with sheer instinct & joy. nonlinearity, trust, & honesty is your best friend right now.

CANCER: let your softness be your most ferocious teacher; it gives you so much to give to the world. it is a reckoning in its own right— staying tender in the process of creating meaning where there seems to only be suffering. your portal this New Moon is to weave the threads between your pain & your power, your wounds & your healing.

LEO: you’re growing inside out, even as you’ve been busy with external shifts & adjustments. be present to what you are not in control of so as not to get caught up in the overwhelm of attempting to energetically or mentally track the multiple, unpredictable threads that are woven into floward movement.

VIRGO: what you need to feel supported is as important as what you do to be supportive. the more intentional you are about your containers for self-actualization, the more prolific your experiences of growth will be. you’re already on your way to changes you maybe can’t put your finger on yet but have been longing for.

LIBRA: focus on creating|maintaining boundaries around your time & energy. all you need to do is be open to changing your relationship to the way you run certain aspects of your life & let this month show you what those changes could be. less task lists, more trust in rest as the practice that will consistently carry you through.

SCORPIO: it’s a fresh beginning in relationship to people/projects/experiences that inspire your personal power & collective contribution. this also means refreshing your filters for what you allow in your indisputably magnetic orbit. don’t be impatient with the length & nonlinearity of this process. be with it as the surest route towards defining what you want.

SAGITTARIUS: new ways of watering your roots are emerging out of the whispers between letting go & dreaming up. emotional freedom is less about non-attachment & more about the willingness to dig through what comes up. there’s vital information here about what is tethering you to the past or has the potential to send you into the future.

CAPRICORN: consider this entire month practice ground for affirming sacred boundaries around what comes in & goes out. trust urges to clear the air that are rooted in transparency & healing connections. let other temptations towards regressing into old patterns of martyrdom or heroism (hyper-individualism) fade out.

AQUARIUS: take as much time as you need to be able to return|locate a place of trust that what you need will flow to you, even as it seems to be leaving. this is an opportunity to begin a relationship that isn’t based on controlling your resources but infusing them with interdependence & interconnectedness. 

saltwater & stars

mercury retro pro tips & an oracle for you

We're pretty much halfway through this Mercury retrograde in Virgo. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so a retrograde in this sign is extra thorough. We're getting into the nitty gritty details & whatever house the retrograde is transition for you is asking for retrospective adjustments to be made. I always emphasize that retrogrades are not to be feared because they are something you can prepare for. Prepare to take things slowly, to have back up plans, to review & reevaluate, etc. You can also plan not to initiate things or sign contracts/make commitments during this time  & if you have to just triple check the details & ask all the questions. 

Virgo is the cleaner, the organizer, the healer. Fixing what's broken, helping where it hurts, & meticulously cleaning shit out. That's what we're up to giving & receiving during this transit, even if just within our own internal lives. Mercury is about connections between us, other people, & information. A foundational aspect of relationship. So when thinking about what messages Mercury retro is giving us, looking into our relationships to those things/arenas is a vital place to start. Mercury is at 2 degrees of Virgo, having fun with the Sun also in Virgo now. Where the retrograde is in our charts indicates where we're taking pauses in-between renovating. Inhale. Exhale. Life-Force. 

To help us with the rest of this reflection period, here's a sign-by-sign list of what you can be fixing/taking it easy with according to your Rising sign (or your sun, if you don't know your rising you can generate a chart with your birth time here). It'll be back-stepping into Leo on September 1st so read for the house before your Rising sign as well to see if you can note any overlapping themes, though I think the Leo part of the retrograde will just infuse the main work we’re doing with a reminder of our power & creativity. 

With help from The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills, I've given a few essential keywords for each house/sign that you can use to zoom in on what your Mercury Retro messages might be about. This is super complex relative to each persons individual chart, but this kind of guide is good for reflection & affirmation of what's coming up for you. The word next to the House is from an oracle card; I’ve pulled one message for each of you from the Saltwater Reading Cards oracle deck. Take it as an affirmation, as a hint for what to focus on/avoid, or simply let it sit where it resonates. Especially if you're feeling like this...


attitude, style, habits, self-interest, survival, new ventures, outlook


money, finances, giving & receiving, material possessions, resources, security


transportation, communication, education, everyday environment, learning

GEMINI :: FOURTH HOUSE :: FAMILY (how in sync is this!?)

domestics, home, family, parents, ancestors, rest, emotional landscape


self esteem, creativity, youth, the arts, friends, romances, play


health, habits, jobs, healing, services, work, cleanliness


collaborations, committed relationships, marriage, social life, enemies


death, shared resources, sex, healing/cycles of the psyche, power


beliefs, travel, expansion of consciousness, spiritual affairs, teachers/learning


business, career, public image, achievements, goals, mastery


community, visionaries, ideals, society, social alliances


secrets, spirituality, hidden emotions, solitude, sorrows, 

wishing you a smooth & productive retrograde,
saltwater & stars

the pregnant pause + full moon 'scopes

Full Moon in Scorpio
May 10 | 5:42 PM EDT

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! Feels like it's gonna be a magical night-that could be spooky or thrilling, or both. Extended horoscopes are up for monthly subscribers (let me know if you didn't get your emailed password!) complete with questions & ritual suggestions. Details on how to get access are linked below. Currently running the Full Moon $15/30min. special as well. Just hit me up via Facebook or Insta if you're interested in a short yet sweet Scorpio style chat about you + Full Moon. 

This Full Moon got me fucked up, personally. For dayssss. It's been all saltwater for me. Super sensitive & intense- I mean, extra so since I'm a Scorpio. It's like being on a cleanse except emotionally. So much healing hidden underneath, though. I feel like before this Full Moon is the moment right before the baby Phoenix regenerates from the ashes. Your moment.

Do you trust you can rise again? 

It is Scorpio, so it feels like a full death-rebirth. Semi-breakdown, semi-revival. Seems sudden but you really know it's been coming for a while now. To me it feels like a pregnant pause; I've had to stop everything & be with myself. Shedding so many fears & scabs, who I was. Yet simultaneously feeling ready to birth a truer me. Pluto in serious Capricorn is playing with earth-bound Sun in Taurus too, so it's a totally process of elimination of what is now irrelevant, internally & externally. Sustainability. 



Here is some astral support from the Horoscopes if you need it. Read for your Rising and/or Sun Sign & you can subscribe for access to the extended versions!

Illuminating your sphere where your inner Phoenix lives, a Scorpio Full Moon is revelatory. Deep in the psyche is where our death-rebirth cycles are generated; if you've been in one of these processes you may receive closure/climax with this Full Moon. Because it is Taurus season there's a tangible, sensual current that you can ride through the intensity.

Taurus is about possessing resource. Scorpio is about sharing resource. Yes, Scorpio is self protective-that holds the boundaries for intimacy. The Full Moon is in your sphere of relationships/collaborations. Being intuitively strategic about why and with whom you share your resource (or yourself as a resource) is sustainable & safe. 

The devil is in the details. As much as I hate cliche sayings, this one seems appropriate for this Full Moon. Your sphere of day-to-day (health, work, domestics) is being powered by this sexy, succinct Scorpio approach. It is the moon so feelings are activated, especially those that have been brewing underneath. The way the mundane intertwines with the unseen & our internal databases is full of information.

A Scorpio Full Moon in your sphere of creation (art, children, self) feels like a full belly to me. Like a deep satisfaction in what has come to be. Orgasmic. Scorpio does rule sex, so that may be a theme…not necessarily the physical act but the raw, intimate way of relating to life. To the self. I hope you are feeling this. Whether in projects, or self-investments, or simple experiences that have been giving you life. 

Healing is not linear. It is cyclical. And really, the Scorpio New to Full Moon cycle is one of healing. We get some kind of closure, revelation, climax that makes it impossible to not see what is there. Festering wounds become open. Cleaning them out is hard, painful work. And no one can tell you how to do it. We want the formula, the bandaid, & that’s okay. To receive support. But you get to decide when you’re ready, when you’re done, & what you need. 

Your communications sphere gets lit up under this Moon. Communications = frequent interactions, perceptions, ideas, those in your immediate environment of influence, education, & any form of actual communication. You could be feeling/seeing many things that you did not before, making it clear where your output approaches need adjustment or what you will no longer tolerate from input. Virgo loves to clean up. 😃 

This feels like a time of stretching for you. It’s uncomfortable, vaguely (or not so) irritating, & extra restlessness is there to help too. You’re experimenting with who/what fits right & Jupiter is in Libra expanding your capacity for love, justice, & righteous relationship. Libra is before Scorpio. Libra get everything aligned so that when Scorpio goes deep, there’s a calibration point. What is recalibrating to you? 

What do boundaries to your giving feel like? Full Moons are drama & harvest & all that bright, shiny stuff. They’re big questions with big answers & I feel like the gates are open at such a time. What do you need to feel in-power? Power meaning free, full, flow…whatever you translate it as that allows for another person to take up their own space & you to take yours. Are you allowed to take up space? 

If you need to read it: I see you. I see that inner underworld that your workings rarely emerge from. I see the pain & the power that you keep to yourself. I see the transformations, the true Phoenix style revivals that keep your fires going. That keep you free. I see how sometimes it gets dark & lonely in there. I see you. 

"When people show you who they are, believe them."~Maya Angelou. Hold everything up to this light when evaluating your social circles, group projects, & friendships. It may also be helpful to consider believing yourself & who you’ve shown yourself to be, when deciding what to get involved in or what visions align with your work/mission. 

This is a really good work Moon. More about checking in with your motivations & desires, less about pushing through what doesn’t feel right anymore. If it doesn’t feel right Scorpio can’t give 100% without going numb. As Aqua Rising (or Sun), you need to be engaged in some way or you’ll float into outer space & maybe eventually combust. 

Solitude is highly recommended with this water Full Moon. I know not everyone has ease of access to that, so simplifying what’s on your agenda may be helpful. I’m feeling there may be a lot of closure around belief systems/perspectives that have been causing harm or that you want to integrate. This is a kind of alchemy that creates SPACE.

saltwater & stars

happy new moon & new rates



Happy New Moon, mermaids & star gazers! It’s a Taurus one- earth goddessy, money lustful, & in-touch with the BODY.  Mermaid musings are on the blog. New Moon Horoscopes are up for those subscribed (your password was emailed Monday! If you didn’t get it, lemme know). You can join anytime; details are below!  

 In honor of the Taurean $$ vibe & recent revelations with my intuitive business strategist, my rates are increasing to support the sustainability of my service. The 1:1 Transition readings (where we focus on your questions and/or transits happening in your chart) will now be $60 for 30 min and $120 for 60 min.

This will take effect on May 10, with the Scorpio Full Moon (because yes, I’m a Scorpio). Mercury will be direct (May 3) by then… #bettersafethansorry

Accessibility is & always will be a priority for me, as a cash poor woman of color. This is why monthly access to the intimate New + Full Moon Horoscopes, where we can commune & converse & you get secret goodies, is staying at $10 a month. I also run mini New/Full Moon reading specials monthly on Facebook & Instagram! (There is one happening right now!)

Thank you for being with me.