
the origins of love

After a decade of establishing relationship with the Planetary Ancestors and Star Beings, I remain hungry for deeper, wider, more supple gestures of extraterrestrial entanglement. Astrological texts, experiences, and art that go beyond linear teaching and temporary astro-weather directives feel so necessary. This feeling of necessity is born from a more embodied sense of animism, which is really just a remembering of the fundamentals of sovereignty.

If we are to subvert the habits of extraction that the waning paradigm has embedded into how we approach all relationships, we must stretch outside of what we can gain and share from this wisdom tradition and into what we can create and reciprocate. Writing love letters in the language of astrology, or using poetry to translate the ancient language, is more than a practice of self-satisfying creativity. It is a devotion to gratitude for everything the Planetary Ancestors and Star Beings have taught and entrusted me with.

There is a reason astrological texts of centuries ago warned about the impact of sharing the secrets of this inevitably magical study. Being in conversation with planetary entities that we can neither see, touch, fully imagine, or begin to comprehend the complexity of is an initiation into the mysteries of the Third Dimension. It requires a surrender to an interconnectedness that contradicts all colonial understandings of what it means to be incarnate and how “energy” travels and works.

This is how poetry becomes a science, for me. I am curious about how these symbols we call letters can be threaded together in ways that at the least leave an impression of the immense beauty of these planetary conversations, and at the most open portals into time unbroken by the illusion of one-dimensionality. I am curious about how love untouched by constructs can be uncovered when I listen, which means to notice, take into consideration, and take to heart.

Listening and love are synonymic. If astrology is a practice of listening, then is it not also a language of love? And a language of listening from which practices of love emerge?

If you like this, enjoy this public paytreeon post on this Venus day, as a treat.


I’m so grateful for the certainty of your humility. I know that the thin line between humble & deprecating gets too thin sometimes, but you bounce back. and I love the way you stay radiant, like the dewy glow of sweat after hard work or the light of someone whose pragmatic mind offers clarity.

I love the pragmatism of your discernment- it’s so fucking sexy!

your interest in the wisdom of clear containers & consistent assessment of our actual capacity is a gift that keeps on giving, though we may not realize it in the moment. we’re looking for the comfort of miraculous guidance or accelerated expansion that has been exiled. this may only mean it is waiting for us past where we’ve been willing to walk…until now.

the path of alignment is longer & more tiring than maybe we were ready for, especially if we’ve been too caught up in theory while missing practical application or too caught up in practice to improve upon theory. yet you know the benefits outweigh the costs when we stop operating transactionally with everything (including the multiverse itself) & learn to let time talk. it’s no pretension & all discretion with you. damn.

I know that your time in capricorn means that you promise nothing that we think we want but much of what we don’t realize we need. for some, this time is an increase of pessimism. for others, a lengthy yet deeply valuable reality check. either way, I’m reminded of how I hear you in the way Mariame Kaba frames “hope is a discipline, not an emotion or sense of optimism” (from description of ep. 19, Beyond Prisons). or in how SZA sang “clarity is a state of mind”.

thank you for challenging our limitations without denying us the reality of possibility. thank you for presencing the importance of integrity & accountability in relationships to mentors, guides, teachers, tradition itself. thank you for telling us how to preserve our dignity through response-able practice rather than reactivity. thank you for showing us where the kyriarchy (intersecting systems of oppression) impacts our ability to be useful in the application of our knowledge.

your praxis of devotion is a blessing. may we be equipped to receive & sustain it, to love you back, to love each other in these ways.

Jupiter is in capricorn Dec. 2019-Dec. 2020. if you were born in 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960 this may be your Jupiter return. these are rough dates for the 12 year cycles of Jupiter; your chart needs to be checked & not all returns are created equal. if you are a cardinal rising sign/placement holder (aries, libra, cancer, cap), this may be a transit of significant shifts for you. you can always book a reading to discuss this with me further!


a love letter from venus in pisces

am I lovely? did you see me with the rising moon & think there’s no possible way I didn’t come from divinity? I ask because this is how I feel when I look at you.

you might think that it can’t be true. I remember them telling you that your divinity is something you must strive for as if you’re not inherently pure. my heart didn’t start breaking until you started believing them. because seeking something you already are only takes you further from it! I wish I could’ve risen with the moon the night your cells absorbed that poisoned water & whispered to you the truth. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. but I’m here now. will you let me in?

your anger & disappointment is valid. it hurts to realize you’ve been manipulated, deceived, or not supported in your agency. it hurts to realize you’ve been so caught up in running that you left your integrity behind. it hurts when people don’t have the capacity or willingness to be who they say they are, do what they say they’ll do, be there for you. it hurts when the person betraying you is you.

I know you’re terrified to believe differently. to understand yourself as inherently good & pure changes everything. you’ll no longer need to prove yourself, you’ll no longer need to punish yourself, you’ll no longer need to abandon yourself. freedom that requires you forgive yourself or move on from others is not easy. I get that. I’m not asking you to choose it now— I’m not asking you to do anything. I just want to know: do you believe you could? how does it feel to consider it to be true? would you be willing to try?

resist the temptation to dissolve into other people- their presence, their projections, or your imaginings of them. deliver yourself from self-righteousness so that you may experience the unconditional love. because isn’t that what you’re really looking for? isn’t that what you really need? I love you so vividly, I would give it to you if I could. but you must choose it for yourself. maybe now, maybe later, maybe a thousand times over until it is your kingdom come.

Venus has been in pisces since January 13 & will enter aries on February 7th. Venus is exalted in pisces (super happy) but has conjunct Neptune & been squared by Mars, adding layers of anxiety, confusion, & frustration. especially when it comes to relationships/resources, give yourself space/solitude to navigate this transit responsibly.


a love letter from saturn, the tough papi

I know consequences feel punitive sometimes. I’m sorry the colonizers got out of hand with that shit. Pluto & I are working on it with capricorn but I digress...

please trust yourself. I don’t mean be arrogant thinking you have nothing to learn. trust that you’re capable of learning everything that you need to. once you learn, you practice. fuck up. practice. fuck up less. practice. continue to fuck up occasionally. how do you think I got so good at fucking your shit up?

I have a bad reputation because people don’t take kindly to humbling experiences. this is for many reasons and varies culture to culture, or so Jupiter tells me, but it’s because we separate humility from power. but there is nothing more powerful than self-trust & confidence combined with knowing your capacity. your strengths & your edges.

I want you to know how to love yourself through hard times, as a discipline. I want you to experience the pleasure of stable support structures, internal & external. I want you to make right relationship & integrity your priority so you don’t need to move in fear & scarcity.

more importantly, let me tell you that hard things don’t happen because you deserve it or because there’s a lesson. sometimes they just happen. my intentions are neutral, like my gender. I try (and I know you do, too) but I can’t control everything. this is why I need you to build trust with yourself. I want you to love yourself enough to want that. it’s the boundary between you & self-inflicted suffering.

I’m not about that abusive tough love bullshit. shit’s just tough sometimes. that’s why you need love.

so let me be the reliable pot to your prolific plant. let me be the bones to your skeleton. let me be the trust to your worthy. let me be the get it done to your shit. let me be the firm ground you walk on without thinking about it. let me be the time of your well lived life.
