the origins of love

After a decade of establishing relationship with the Planetary Ancestors and Star Beings, I remain hungry for deeper, wider, more supple gestures of extraterrestrial entanglement. Astrological texts, experiences, and art that go beyond linear teaching and temporary astro-weather directives feel so necessary. This feeling of necessity is born from a more embodied sense of animism, which is really just a remembering of the fundamentals of sovereignty.

If we are to subvert the habits of extraction that the waning paradigm has embedded into how we approach all relationships, we must stretch outside of what we can gain and share from this wisdom tradition and into what we can create and reciprocate. Writing love letters in the language of astrology, or using poetry to translate the ancient language, is more than a practice of self-satisfying creativity. It is a devotion to gratitude for everything the Planetary Ancestors and Star Beings have taught and entrusted me with.

There is a reason astrological texts of centuries ago warned about the impact of sharing the secrets of this inevitably magical study. Being in conversation with planetary entities that we can neither see, touch, fully imagine, or begin to comprehend the complexity of is an initiation into the mysteries of the Third Dimension. It requires a surrender to an interconnectedness that contradicts all colonial understandings of what it means to be incarnate and how “energy” travels and works.

This is how poetry becomes a science, for me. I am curious about how these symbols we call letters can be threaded together in ways that at the least leave an impression of the immense beauty of these planetary conversations, and at the most open portals into time unbroken by the illusion of one-dimensionality. I am curious about how love untouched by constructs can be uncovered when I listen, which means to notice, take into consideration, and take to heart.

Listening and love are synonymic. If astrology is a practice of listening, then is it not also a language of love? And a language of listening from which practices of love emerge?

If you like this, enjoy this public paytreeon post on this Venus day, as a treat.