lunar eclipse

lunar eclipse in aquarius musings

so here you are. here we are. here I am. human. divine. alive. at this crack in space and time known as the present. at this intersection of what was, what is, & what is next. you may as well arrive here because there is no such thing as arrival. you may as well forgive yourself now. because salvation will only be showing up as you being present for your self. heroes are myths but sovereignty is the reality of who you are. 

you might feel inadequate. so damn inadequate. you might feel insecure af. you might feel isolated. misunderstood. confused. you might feel overwhelmed. you might feel heartbroken. you might feel so, so small. or way too much. you might feel painfully awake. or painfully numb. you might feel chaotic, erratic, rebellious. you might feel fucking terrified. you might feel disconnected. you might have more questions than answers. there might be simultaneously too much and not enough time on your hands. you might feel discontent, dissatisfied, inconsolable. 

and yet...every moment, you get to shape change. you get to contribute to the collective, even if on a fractal, micro level. you get to operate with the full range of your agency. be with the rage. it reveals what boundaries have been violated or humanity denied. be with the pause. it reveals portals into other worlds. be with the impossibility. it reveals what you deeply desire. be with the change. because you are it. it is you. 

{horoscopes are waiting for you in the Commune, subscribers. check your inboxes. if you want ‘scopes too, you can  decide to sign up here.} 

saltwater & stars

full moon & lunar eclipse in leo {mermaid musings}

me by me

me by me

anyone else up late creating? happy full moon & lunar eclipse in leo. ♥️💧✨👑   
something is changing, a phase is ending, & there is much glory to be had in the process. eclipses are checkpoints in the construct of linear time that allow us to actually utilize all the wisdom we've gathered over the collection of nonlinear time. AND LEO IS GONNA SHOW US THE WAY. (hint: it's play). I'm feeling the let downs of grief- the simultaneous pressure & relief of something ready to be released so it can nourish other cycles. I don't have much more to say about the eclipse at present (more of an aftermath processor when it comes to full moons) but I wanted to share this poem I just wrote that captures an eclipse dream I had the other night. you can find more on this full moon & lunar eclipse in the horoscopes or by following me on facebook/instagram (linked in photo). 

it was dark & humid
when she put me on the boat
a tender baby was on my chest
somehow smaller than it should be
like most newborn dreams
the water was dark but still blue
we never touched but I held on to you

it was cool but not cold
there was nothing to trust
but the current shielding me forward
somehow I remembered to look up
and gasp in the stars that hung low
I felt the wind in the palm trees
then seeing them brought me to my knees

it was dark but clear
I could see over to where the light was
before I knew it I had found my way there
somehow you knew I was coming
told me you felt me before you saw me
I don't remember and no one said it
but I wanted belonging and I'd found it

saltwater & Stars


p.s: check out a live chat I have scheduled with THE DECOLONIZING ALCHEMIST on Thursday about astrology, anti-capitalism, decolonization, & how we both practice these principals in our services. <3

eclipse relief {current mood}

Rihanna isn't a Leo but DAMN. Fucking inspo.

Rihanna isn't a Leo but DAMN. Fucking inspo.

From my musings on Facebook
Don't forget IT IS LEO SEASON. Get as much sunshine (literally/metaphorically) as you can. What makes you smile? What does SHINE mean to you? Where's your joy at? 

I feel like we use the word "shine" a lot without being specific as to what it means. It can feel like every cell of your body is glowing. It can feel like being just okay yet being okay with that. It can feel like you are THE SOLAR CENTER of your life (which you are). It can feel like whatever the fuck you want it to. You just need to zoom in on it. Light it up. 

This is Eclipse relief.

Because it was a tough one. Leo is the process of individuation- Aquarius is the process of integrating the authentic individual into the collective. Pedestals did not survive this Full Moon in Aquarius. As disappointing as that is to Leo, most of us really. Everybody's falling off them. But at the end of the day this is okay. Because we want equitable relationships, right? Not ones based on hierarchy. Aquarius is not okay with that. 

I found myself (along with others) reconsidering the ways I wait, ask, & think I need external approval & validation. Leo tends to get caught up in this but Aquarius is, being the opposite sign, not interested. Aquarius is about individuation that is not processed by how it fits into constructs. I think we spend too much time waiting for "people" to forgive, validate, or see us. But we're not even letting ourselves be seen. Fuck forgiveness, judgement, punishment. We need to start with radical love of the self & collective. And move forward from there. Active love that doesn't evade, ignore, or deny the darkness, but body & bravely embraces it. 

I wrote detailed 'scopes for each sign (you can subscribe anytime) about what cycles might be coming to a close with a Lunar Eclipse according to the houses...this means knowing your rising sign. Anyway, it made me think about how Eclipses reverberate. Like, it wasn't over Monday. And it didn't start then either. I feel that it depends on the individual so much- what your process is & exactly how much is being cleared out. That's what I feel this Eclipse was, a big HEY GET RID OF THIS reminder. 

We're getting rid of shit because we need soooo much space for what is gonna show up with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st. I think the deeper we let ourselves acknowledge the feelings that came up with the Lunar Eclipse, the clearer we might be. And clarity is truth, is transformation, is power. 

Reminder: For the entire month of August aka Eclipse season, you can book an hour 1:1 session with me for $100 (20% off the usual rate). We can talk about your Eclipse story, map out what the Solar Eclipse may be bringing you, & figure out what this Mercury retro (Aug. 12-Sept.5) is telling you. 

sending ease & love, 

ready or not {Aquarius full moon lunar eclipse}

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius
August 7 | 2:11 PM EST

The Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel&nbsp;

The Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel 

I don't wanna go on with astro lingo- most of you probably know this Eclipse is coming. I do feel like this one is full of hard questions. Aquarius is an air sign- this is a blend of air & water (moon). What we think about how we feel, what we feel about how we think. But really, the twist is that Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This Full Moon will WAKE YOU UP. Your feelings might overwhelm or surprise you. 

I think in the Aquarius part of your chart you may not be used to navigating with your heart. Aquarius is ultimately altruistic but in a more...humanitarian than sentimental way. This Full Moon is like a big dose of THIS IS HOW I FEEL & WHY in an area of your life that you're usually more detached in. But this is an Eclipse. This is time to upgrade. 

But what the fuck does that really mean!?!? What are you even trying to get free from? Why do you need to? Why do things have to keep changing?? What if you don't want to fucking change anymore? What if whatever is coming to a close is something being ripped from your hands? 

Sometimes I'm tired of all the evolution. Of all the spiritual words & descriptors for the pain in the ass that transition actually can be. How sometimes there seems not to be enough space for us not being ready. How sometimes things come crashing to end when the lightning strikes & we're holding on for life. And we're left in the heartbroken ruins.

This is not what I wish for you, for any of us. But I want to make space for the reality of Aquarius deconstructing everything to reconstruct something evolutionary.  And it is not always fun, expansive feeling, & flowy. Aquarius is a fixed sign- focused & hard to recourse. But I believe you got this. 

A card I pulled for this Eclipse is the Tower. It's been coming up from me lately. The Tower is change, it is unexpected yet simultaneously the climax of what we've know is coming but maybe wouldn't look at until now. And this require an immense amount of trust in our capacity. 

Though I'm not sure what's coming my way aside from a few inklings here & there, I was not surprised to see the Tower. If I had to pick a card for the kinda Full Moon this is, that's the one I would've picked. Ready or not.  


saltwater & stars