where life happens


many of us use so much time trying to get our needs met in what we eventually figure out are the wrong places. we can have the desire & power but learning *where* & *when* to direct it is a practice of discernment that takes time, learning, & the application of wisdom.

what’s magical about astrology is that it can take a complexity & give it clarity of container & strategy. this is because astrology is a deeply complex system in itself but with the purpose of making life easier. in other words, your chart is a conversation facilitator between you & the multiverse.

for example, houses can help us access a depth of understanding about not only our needs, but *where* we are likely to find the most satisfaction in getting them met. moon in the 8th house? the nourishment of your well-being is deeply fed by sharing emotional resource & security. venus in the 3rd house? your need for relationship & connection thrives in a supportive immediate environment. saturn in the 7th? building stability & self-mastery happens in the realm of relationship.

it’s only one layer but one which reflects the nuance of your self & life in a relieving way— you don’t have to figure all this shit out yourself.

registration for Wednesday’s workshop closes in 24 hours (Tuesday @ 7PM EST)! details & registration here!

join me for houses: a workshop on where life happens

what astrology does as a tool is answer questions by giving language to what’s happening. houses are a huge part of this because they provide framework for understanding cycles of activity, experiences, & awareness at any level of understanding. houses give a container for specific experiences. 
“why do I keep focusing on this one area of my life (relationships, money, work)?” houses.
“why is this lunation always showing up through these experiences?” houses.
“why did these particular issues start coming up around this time?” houses.
“how do I know when I can expect a shift in this area?” houses.
“why is my experience of a major transit different than others?” houses.
“why are certain areas of my life more challenging/exciting than others?” houses.
sharing these frameworks with you excites me not just because you can become more intimate with your own chart, but because you can feel more intimate with the ways you are held by the multiverse.
registration for Houses: A Workshop on Where Life Happens closes in 3 days, on April 23!

saltwater & stars

'scope snippets for today's full moon

APRIL 19 @ 7:12 AM EST | 29 DEGREES

horoscope snippets for today’s libra full moon. join the COMMUNE to access your full length ‘scope, ritual recommendations, & more.
libra: vow to never leave yourself behind for love again, even if this is a promise you’ve made many times before. you have a right to create yourself, you have a right to love yourself, to trust yourself. 
scorpio: you are more than magical enough to do this work, to create new frameworks of believing, to escape the confines of your own imagination.
sagittarius: it’s scarcity that makes us hold onto things that are ready to change, grow, or go. trust that something more aligned & abundant is next— and that you’re ready to handle it.
capricorn: don’t let any amount of mess make you think progress isn’t happening. all you’re required to do is be present & honest about what you want & how you can show up.
aquarius: give yourself permission to change your frameworks of understanding so you’re not carrying baggage you’re actually ready to put down. ease looks sexy on you.
pisces: let’s talk about love, bb. let’s talk about it like you don’t have to earn it, like it’s infinite, like it’s all that you are. can you believe (it’s a practice) this is true?
aries: nourishing & cherishing yourself is the sweetest way towards alignment, the most organic way towards a future you feel good about & belong in. you deserve that.
taurus: your sustainability is more important than the temporal or ethereal concepts that ignite you. you make them real in the day to day, in how you ground them into practices & alignments.
gemini: it’s okay if you’ve given things away that left you lonely or aching. call your power & love back to you; this is regeneration, calibration, & realignment.
cancer: forgive yourself for no longer fitting into what has held you. sometimes containers grow with you, sometimes they don’t. tap into the understanding of cycles, phases, & nonlinearity you possess.
leo: no shame if you’ve found yourself in echos of patterns you thought were history. it may have nothing to do with being unwilling to change; the invitation has been to accept that it’s all process.
virgo: you are response-able for your needs & long-term satisfaction. find pleasure in separating yourself from what has been comfortable so that you can generate ecstasy in what is your inevitable success.

saltwater & stars

sweetness, protection, & power

Moon in cancer until saturday. 
choose sweetness. 
feel what you feel. 
don’t project your shit.

Moon in cancer can feel hard because it opposes the capricorn stellium we’re processing right now—Saturn, Pluto, & the South Node. like there is no running away from where we feel powerless, stuck, or messy. it can feel like this THING (could be a person, situation, whatever) is draining your power. it can even just be fear itself or the confrontation of what you need to be more response-able with. hell, just rewriting our narratives & altering our self-sabotaging patterns is exhausting shit.

Moon in cancer wants to be held, to be safe & emotionally secure. there’s a vital need for tenderness, reassurance, & clear containers to pour love into. self-protection is a cancer specialty, retreating into the shell the moment a threat may or may not appear.

this has me thinking about my own self-protection. I know what it’s like to be hurt on purpose, for it to be intentional & cruel. sometimes it’s hard to remember that not everyone is trying to do that or would even want to. simultaneously, I’m not trusting people whose primary filter is contempt or diminishment because they haven’t accessed their own power inside.

this is the wisdom of water. it is fluid. the navigation strategies are intuitive & instinctual, not binary or finalized. there’s the flow, held by the earth, held by the trust in self. ultimately, you can always call your power back to you. chant that if you need to. because the cancer-capricorn axis is about minimizing reactivity in favor of investing into the longevity of emotional well-being & structural support for that. in a phrase: sustainable success.

p.s: BIPOC community! I’ll be in Brooklyn, NY giving a LIVE workshop on Uranus in taurus next month at the Who Heals the Healer? Convergence! details here.

saltwater & stars