where life happens


many of us use so much time trying to get our needs met in what we eventually figure out are the wrong places. we can have the desire & power but learning *where* & *when* to direct it is a practice of discernment that takes time, learning, & the application of wisdom.

what’s magical about astrology is that it can take a complexity & give it clarity of container & strategy. this is because astrology is a deeply complex system in itself but with the purpose of making life easier. in other words, your chart is a conversation facilitator between you & the multiverse.

for example, houses can help us access a depth of understanding about not only our needs, but *where* we are likely to find the most satisfaction in getting them met. moon in the 8th house? the nourishment of your well-being is deeply fed by sharing emotional resource & security. venus in the 3rd house? your need for relationship & connection thrives in a supportive immediate environment. saturn in the 7th? building stability & self-mastery happens in the realm of relationship.

it’s only one layer but one which reflects the nuance of your self & life in a relieving way— you don’t have to figure all this shit out yourself.

registration for Wednesday’s workshop closes in 24 hours (Tuesday @ 7PM EST)! details & registration here!