love note

a love note for the weekend

it’s a hibiscus summer over here. so much blooming, followed by periods of deep rest, maintained by consistent, abundant watering. benefits are beautiful boundaries, passion, power, pleasure, & dream work. I’m getting so luminous in my sovereignty that is really actually is finally over for these bitches.

anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I miss you & think of you often. there’s things TBA; as usual I recommend subscribing to the blog so you don’t have to rely on social media to hear from me.

I’m sending you sweetness for your Mercury retro disconnections/redirections, protection for your eclipse excavations, support for your Mars in aries awakenings, gentleness for your Saturn back in capricorn readjustments, & love for your cancer season reclamations of decolonial sensitivity.

thank you for still being here & supporting & I am THRILLED to start working on your leo season horoscopes soon (members only). 💋

a love note for the weekend

(this love note is specifically dedicated to everyone engaged in movement work right now. the frontline fire keepers, the behind & underneath brujx, the dandelion blowers sharing information. I’m so, so incredibly overwhelmed with pride & joy for all that we are creating, becoming, integrating, practicing…everything. I’m so flooded with gratitude to our benevolent ancestors, our living guides, our humble lives. many of us have been preparing for this exact moment without knowing it (but def knowing it) all our lives, trust.)

“socio-political analysis” is just a way to name how we understand love. “socio-political praxis” is just another way to name how we practice love.

your love can only be radical if your politics are radical. your politics can only be radical if your love is radical. don’t be mistaken. radical isn’t an arrival point, it’s a practice of digging deeper & deeper into the roots. and the roots of dominant culture are ancient, the roots are thick & strong, the roots have a mind of their own.

but, wait! Ari! are you saying that if I don’t have a radical politic I don’t know radical love? isn’t that an outrageous, judgmental generalization?

yes. I’ve been known to make those. I’m not afraid of judgement. it’s the solidification of discernment when based in nonjudgemental & unconditional love. there’s no vilification in it. it’s my firm belief & an honest assessment of what radical love requires of our politic, what a radical politic requires of our love. I’ve taken the time to identify synonyms.

there being no destination of “I’m completely radical!” does not mean there is no decision making or direction. to make our radical love real rather than theoretical, we must make choices & commitments. you cannot assume yourself to be(have) radical. it’s rigorous. it’s intensive. it’s painful. it’s scary. it’s vulnerability. it’s emotional availability. it’s sacrifice. what have you sacrificed for radical love? who have you made yourself response-able to?

I don’t believe all who claim to be in the praxis, but I believe so many more of us can be. the less we treat it like a concrete label & the more we engage with it as an ongoing investigation, the better. because you can’t just be loyal to a theory in your mind. we don’t have time for that.

you can feel in your body when you know your love/politic isn’t radical. and you can change. I did. with patience & discipline you can learn to stay longer & longer in the space of it, in the practice of it. until one day you can’t remember the last time you left.

all my love,

a love note for the weekend

blue skies and eighty five. sunshine between my thighs. finally. fresh violets, faded buttercups, red feathers if you look up. trusting the foot in the grass, trees so tall the shade lasts. songs singing themselves, honey bees flirting with me. it smells like peppermint but it can’t be, can it? I feel like the first butterfly. ever. I see you sitting beside me, smile wide as galaxies. it’s opening everything inside me. I’m deepening my wildness, gone deep into my wilderness. I’m floating, a kind of slow motion you can’t see.

I want you to experience this moment for yourself. you don’t find it, stop looking. you have to summon it with a million little moments that smell, taste, feel, look, sound like it. you have to make it like you mean it. don’t fake it cause then somebody else can take it. engage your patience. the best place to wait is right here. because of how precious & precarious aliveness is, you must be your deepest investment. and you’re happening in this moment. all other moments ripple from this one. what happens if you be in it? I don’t fucking know. but you better go find out.

the moon is in pisces until sunday morning when it enters aries. go for a spiritual swim, make fire inside you, savor the last days of the sun in sexy taurus.

a love note for the weekend

there are so many beautiful people full of love to give in the world. you deserve to be in relationship with them. you are one of them. forget about “do I have what it takes?”. this is not about anything taking from you. inquire instead into whether you can receive what it gives. how can you ready yourself for what I want to give you?

I’m so grateful for how you choose to be, so grateful for how you change. and fuck, I’m so grateful for the ways you stay the same. god knows I need something to come back to when the fantasies fail me or duality disappoints me. you know that I love you, right? I act like I forget sometimes because I really do forget, and it has nothing to do with you. it’s just challenging to reconcile the instability intimacy brings up in me, the way my body remembers all the times it was a lie, all the times it was a trap, all the times it was just my imagination. all the times it was never going to be enough to save us.

imagination. I don’t think it terrifies me because I might be let down. I know how to handle that by now. it terrifies me because I do believe in it & I’ve seen how it can create nightmares as well as dreams come true. I don’t want to use it on you, anymore. I don’t want to have a distorted view. you will always be a mirror but this don’t have to be a fun house. I don’t wanna have to be in love with somebody else to be in love with myself. when that happens, it usually means I’m making the other person up because the only time I give myself permission to BE love is for somebody else. what a ridiculous situation. what a discombobulation.

I won’t let you get stuck in accumulative or transactional love, with or without me. distribution is the way into sustainability & the way out of hierarchy. this method also means it needs to be resourced by something more infinite than you, more infinite than me, more infinite than us. love, right? but what does that even mean? what is love? who does it belong to? how does it work? when does it show up? where can we find it? how do we make it? why does it even fucking matter so much?

these are questions I want to continue answering with you. I’ll share my ideas so far, though. I think love is that moment when I remember that I’m beautiful & necessary regardless. it’s those moments when nothing that ever happened to me is relevant anymore because I’m so here right now. love isn’t a resource in itself, it generates resources. it can’t be contained or extracted from as a “thing”. when that’s happening, that’s how I know it’s not love. maybe “it” is even antithetical to the way love works—’cause love works. it’s an entity, it’s a being, it makes shit happen.

it’s you, queridx. you’re love. you’re love to me. and the more you love yourself, the more you’re love to everything & everybody. don’t rush yourself to feel like that’s true, though. let time talk. harvest what’s ready, keep planting seeds, & tending to what’s real. this shit is not a garden, mi amor! you? love? your love? that’s a fucking ecosystem. it’s the shit that keeps me alive.

inspired by this weekend’s venus in gemini square neptune in pisces with the moon in virgo.
