capricorn new moon {current mood}

Happy Hanukkah: what is your light in the darkness right now? 

Happy Hanukkah: what is your light in the darkness right now? 

New Moon in Capricorn | 7 degrees
Thursday, December 29 | 1:53am

This is a Mercury retrograde new moon, so it's more of a time for planning, strategizing, restructuring (all Capricorn specialties) than straight up initiation. Very strong earth-Saturn vibe, which can feel cold, hard, & heavy. 

From one of my Monthly Astral Support readings:

"Mercury is retrograde until the 8th of January: take it easy with new purchases if you can, triple check to-do lists or what you commit to, fantastic time for tying up loose ends, review/revision/reflection. Adjustment period. Listen for synchronicities, messages, truth that bring you affirmation, guidance, and clarity towards whatever questions you might be holding."  

A trick to working with Capricorn energy is to understand the long-term implications of it. That weight you might feel needs an outlet|project|plan that will take time, & eventually contribute to your core commitments towards the future. 

 What you can do short-term to contribute to your long term goals? What feelings center your strategies? 

This is the Moon too, of course, not just Sun Mercury & Pluto in Capricorn. So with the Moon we must ask- how do we feel? New Moons are beginnings of cycles, times to set intentions- how do you want to feel? And what do you need to do to feel secure & strong in those feelings? 

The New Moon is not on Pluto but all the planets in Cappy will conjunct it at some point, & it will oppose the Full Moon next month. Part of the New Moon strategy could be to really get focused & streamline your energy so that when the intensity & transformation comes (death=rebirth) you are able to know what to let go while also knowing what to hold on to. 

*contact me about Monthly Astral Support: how to receive new AND full moon readings monthly for $10*