dark moon recommendation

dark moon recommendation

new moon in aries | march 24 @ 5:28AM EST:

may you & yours be protected, provided for, & well resourced.

may you uncover miracles in every moment.

may interconnection be your sovereignty. may your sovereignty be interconnected.

may you make love to joy and make joy with love.

may you give yourself room to change. may you give them room to change. may you give the world room to change.

may curiosity be your deepest commitment. may grief be a beloved companion of your love.

may you move forward and stay open. may you swim deep and fly higher.

may your own pleasure be the most delicious taste. may paths generate themselves at the dead ends of “there is no way.”

may you remember yourself as a realization of the multitudinous dimensions of the divine. may freedom never forget you.

may this moment radicalize your love & clarify your contribution. may you be like the pure irreverence of laughing in church, the way joy insists on bursting from every cell, like life starting all over again as many times as there are stars.

dark moon recommendation

new moon in pisces | February 23 @ 10:32AM EST

I’m sinking deep into exploring my own emotional availability during this dark moon. it’s bringing up all the things that are taking up space. kinda like my phone keeps telling me there’s no more storage. I tried just deleting stuff but I actually need an upgrade, a whole new phone. which also challenges my ability to trust the resources for that will show up.

this has me thinking about how not holding on to more than we need offers us emotional availability. knowing when we actually need more & being willing to receive it generates emotional generosity. generous = giving that exceeds expectation without promise of equal exchange. you can only sustainably do that if you’re emotionally available to yourself, first & foremost. this may require tapping into your unconditional lovability.

what would being emotionally available to yourself feel like? what could you let go of so a different, more supportive iteration showed up? do you believe that’s possible? how would you bravely experiment with it?

in the prelude for the March horoscopes, I write about shame as the inverse of resentment/ the relationship between anger, grief work, & unconditional lovability/ why boundaries protect love/ using your agency to create clear containers & more.

at least until the new moon, hydrate like every drink is a benediction & breathe like every inhale is a gift you give right back to the world.


dark moon recommendation

when everything ends, what is there? when everything begins, what ends? we’re pressed between the ground full of fire and the sky full of water. what can we do but breathe? when the world ends, the fool starts over. makes another world to live in. sometimes they make worlds out of people, places, things. those worlds come to an end. make a world out of your imagination, instead. make a world out of your hope, your integrity, your legacy of curiosity. make a world out of the things that never die. defy the confines of mortality. make a world out of love. that’s how you honor your ancestorhood. that’s how you live forever. it’s okay to cry for what you had to give up. and I’m so sorry. it’s okay to rage about the grief, the suffering, the impossibility. it hurts so much to be alive, to love yourself as a discipline. but it hurts even more to fucking live dead inside, to hate yourself with rigor. so be a fool. let the struggle end. accept the confines of reality. defy the confines of reality. start over. mmkay?

the new moon in aquarius is Friday January 24 @ 4:41PM EST| horoscopes & ritual recommendations available via subscription. if you’re curious about the astrology of 2020‘s impact on you, book a reading. now’s a good time to take a wide, long view.


dark moon recommendation

NEW MOON solar eclipse in capricorndecember 26 @12:13AM EST

“To get along with god, consider the consequences of your behavior.”—Octavia Butler

Saturn is tired of irresponsibility. the Moon is tired of overresponsibility. at this point, we’re all mother-fucking tired of the bullshit. if you’re not, congratulations on the work you’ve put in or sorry about the reality checks incoming.

the conflation of integrity with perfection will crush Jupiter’s hopes if we allow it to continue. those with integrity are tired of the resentment from those who struggle with it (you’re not perfect, you aren’t better than anyone) when we know damn well nobody said that. those who struggle with integrity are tired of the lack of grace those who pride themselves on their own (know better, do better at all times or you ain’t shit) when we know damn well that practice is the greatest teacher.

it’s all projection & we don’t need to play those games anymore. assuming responsibility for other people’s actions/behaviors or tryna pass on your own is dangerous. if you busy with somebody else’s actions & consequences, you’ll be pressed when your own come through. let them hold theirs as you mind the business of holding your own. on the other hand, grown ass people don’t act a way because of someone else, nobody can make you feel or do shit. this is how victim blaming happens, this is how abuse thrives, this is how we stay trying to hold people accountable when they don’t want to be.

Saturn says stay in your lane. Jupiter says grow up, glow up. Pluto says power isn’t to be played with. the Sun & the Moon say love yourself. the eclipse says you’re gonna learn either way so why not decide to participate?

I know you didn’t deserve the inheritances of harmful power dynamics, fractured relationships, & self-abandonment that you came into. I know you didn’t deserve to be betrayed, abused, or neglected. I know the roots go deep but the tradition doesn’t need to belong to you. it’s not your fault. but it’s time to do something about it, it’s time to repair, it’s time to listen. the pain of these processes is excruciating but you’ve come all the way here, starling. trust that you can hold yourself the rest of the way…or don’t. whatever you choose, do it for you.
