
solstice psa's and a conversation on astrology + the law of attraction


Happy Solstice and Sun + Saturn into Capricorn!

PSA: The upcoming full moon horoscopes (details on how to join the commune here) will include a mini analysis of what Saturn in Capricorn may be bringing to your life in the coming 2+ years. In the meantime, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram to be sure you're keeping up with spontaneous mermaid musings. The Commune is kinda like my Patreon- subscribers are my only consistent income from this work. This clear container allows me to continue it with hope, even as I keep a part time job. The *DREAM* is to be able to immerse myself full-time in being of service as an astrologer + bruja + everything that will evolve from that.

Because of the following conversation, I'll be talking a lot more moving forward about how I approach astrology, about how nuanced and layered it all is--past generalizations and even individual characteristics. Archetypes, unique context, energetic interconnectedness, and AGENCY is where I'm coming from. The blending of magic, spirituality, psychology, and what astrology is on it's own when not filtered by the insecurities or (yt or hellenistic) philosophies of the individual teaching it. It is very important to me to build trust and relationship within my practice of this ancient language and using the law of attraction in astrology reduces individual agency which is irresponsible on the part of the astrologer. 

Following this thread Megan (whom you must check out!) and I had an almost 2 hour conversation about the complexity of all this during our last Megan Subscription 1:1. This is why I love the internet!

Megan Potter: "Here's my gripe, I am SO over the Law of Attraction teaching. I'm over it to the point of frustration. Why are all of the astrology books I'm reading lately devoting chapters of content to rehash the same old Law of Attraction stuff you can find for free all over the internet? I don't want to hear one more writer tell me that if only I policed my thoughts (Gregory literally tells us to be "thought police") my life would change for the better. If I wanted a Law of Attraction book I would buy that. What I want is an astrology book, and that's what I bought. Had it stuck to the astrology alone...(…/36603575-how-to-co-create-using…)

Me: Seriously! it's so frustrating. <3

Megan: THANK YOU! So nice to know I'm not alone in this. I'm starting to suspect the only purpose is to prop up sales, or maybe the editors think it should be in all mystical books, but honestly it's as much a turn off for some as a turn on for others. And the LoA is NOT the only approach to co-creating your life...

Me: Removing LOA from astrology/finding non-LOA astrology resources is a pain in the ass. it's sneaky and subtle and really reduces the impact and intentionality astrology can have. and it makes astrology look untrustworthy.

Megan: YES! Like the exercise she has in this book with the pieces of paper - that's an exercise of self-awareness and empowerment. It's a great tool for alignment and setting goals and making changes. It could be super powerful and appeal to anyone, but for some unknown reason she ties it to visualization and LoA, like that's the only way she knows to teach it... or the only way she thinks it will seem valid. NO. On it's own it's a powerful tool and reducing it to visualization actually disempowers it.

Me: Mhm. Like the only way to believe in astrology is to believe in LOA because it's the most accepted version of exploring interconnectedness, individual power, and resonance. It CANT be that astrology works whether or not you're "attracting" synchronicity or agency. Like, LOA is SO separate from astrology, or should be! But it's like LOA is the only channel that folx are comfortable with.

Megan: Yes. I think it's because they haven't given themselves the opportunity to think deeply enough about what astrology is and isn't. And how or why it works. And because when they do we feel uncomfortable with the unanswerable questions.

Me: Yup. I keep coming back to the musing that so much of how I *do* astrology is about magic and *philosophy*. Like, literally how you think through and about things in the context of whatever planet/sign/etc is being worked with or emphasized. It's very systematic and I think when they don't want to get too "scientific" or whatever because it's not their strong suit or won't sell, they overdo it with the LOA as a filler for what should be the affirmations of free-will and intentionality. This is why I am specific about my lineage being astro-psychology. It's the smaller less popular sect but resonates the most. My professor was a little *too* pragmatic, haha, not very spiritual so I'm finding my way back to *blending*, but I still am grateful I came through that channel."

 I wanted to share this conversation with you all on this day to give you clarity on my approach as an astrologer and to (hopefully) get you excited about what is coming from me in terms of sharing how I approach and translate astrology. This is the teaser trailer, so to speak, of further conversations on the role of the individual and the astrologer in the practice of building right relationship with the stars. <3