discipline, devotion, & the Saturn in aquarius workshop

I am disciplined because I am devoted to love.

statements like these are made possible when we separate discipline from the context of capitalism & devotion from the conditions of hierarchy. we can discipline without punishment & we can worship without pedestals. and what is love if not the discipline of showing up with integrity whether you feel like it or not?

this is a gift Saturn can give us. a gift we make the effort of being available to. what you have to work to receive is still a gift because you’re not guaranteed results in the way you expect them to show up. in this way, even availability is a discipline because you must prepare your mind to navigate the unknown & unexpected. this is work many of us are being initiated or integrated into.

devotion may seem like an interesting word to use for Saturn in aquarius. yet real devotion requires us to cut through the bullshit, be skeptical of paradigms we’re committed to, streamline our minds. to hold the questions as consistently as we co-create answers. it’s about theory AND praxis. Saturn in aquarius specialities.

due to popular request & reading the astrological room, I’m offering another Saturn return workshop. this pop-up emoceanal support group is for those preparing to clarify their devotions & deepen their disciplines during their first Saturn return in aquarius.

*details & registration here*

30% of the proceeds will be going to CEPA, an organization in Puerto Rico offering decolonial healing, mutual aid, & other strategic diasporic solidarity miracles en Boriken.
