dark moon recommendation

new moon in sagittarius @ 10:05AM EST on November 26

may you be so aware of your agency that no one can manipulate you. in a way you might not be able to name, you know exactly what you are doing, even in the unknown.

may you be able to respond to your power & your pain with honesty & mercy. proactively & defensively, recall that you know how to protect yourself. you are learning when to do what but that doesn’t mean you don’t know. you don’t need to hold onto disappointment in yourself or others—responsibility is as much about grace as it is consequence.

may you be in possession of your perceptions, intuitions, & triggers as all you. no one has the power to destabilize you, take your power away, or keep you bound. you know how to return to this truth & when to coast above the surface of a storm.

may you be brave enough to be simultaneously soft & powerful. trust your wisdom, learning curves, & skills acquired up until this point. don’t be more afraid of conflict than you are of abandoning/betraying yourself or giving your power away.

may you maintain your curiosity about possibility until it grows into a discipline. be committed to truth as mutable & integrity as a practice. consider yourself to be the fulfillment of your own dreams, inspired but not possessed by the contribution of others reflecting your light.

may you be the learner of your own lessons. you need not be the sacrifice on the altar of other peoples healings or the substitute teacher for what they were never given. be present to love as abundant in a way that does not require your submission & observe how the gaps are filled without your interference.

may principles of truth, love, healing, & consent guide your relationships— most importantly your relationship to yourself. your own power is not a resource to be distributed but the source from which you generate opportunities for everyone to tap into their own.

one of the many miracles available to you is to recognize that doing other people’s work or holding their pain for them (can’t but we try) is an indication you’re resisting deep presence to your own work/pain. it’s okay to be afraid of not being distracted but continuing to be so will eventually harm you. choose to stop, put it all down, & love you instead. you’re not stuck, you’re afraid to break out of the comfort zone that you already are deeply uncomfortable in. there’s a new reality awaiting you.

may you feel like a miracle surrounded by & receptive to miracles.


p.s: book a reading for the last lunar cycle of 2019, Jupiter into capricorn, & the December/January Eclipses.