the breath of fresh air + fire {current mood}

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I'm looking at the chart for the sky right now & DAMN. We got some good stuff going on. I spend a lot of time talking about the hard stuff, like Pluto in Capricorn squares & full moon releases. That is my work. But today, we're gonna talk about what's working for us. What astral support is there for us. I'm feeling like it's okay to take it easy right now. TO BREATHE.

Mars (action) is in Gemini (air). We can take some air. Fresh air. All the transitioning, rebirth, shedding, & reclaiming power is WORK. Being intentional, conscious, & purposeful is exhausting. So looking at the astral mood, I'm thinking we can lean into where we are now. What we have built so far. Mars is playing (trine) with Jupiter in Libra: all the expanding we've done with our principals & ethics for relationships & social engagement gets to be utilized to form connections, affect change, & adapt to learning curves.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury (Hermes)...goes to the Underworld to retrieve messages for the gods. Mars is doing this work- not only communicating messages but enforcing them. Gemini & Libra are Air signs- realms of the mind/thought. There is a choice. You use your agency (Mars) to decide what path (Jupiter) serves you & your relationships (Libra). There are options (Gemini). 

This is the breath of fresh air; flexible perspectives with sacred boundaries. 

There is also a Saturn in Sag-Uranus in Aries trine is super exciting. Wherever Saturn is in your chart is where you've been building a commitment to candor, truth, & structuring beliefs that expand instead of inhibit you. Where Uranus in Aries is at is being shook the fuck out of in a way that is probably causing a self-revolution that feels chaotic yet radical. 

Saturn in Sagittarius makes me think of a bonfire, a big one you take time to construct correctly so it can burn long & you can sit around it philosophizing on life. Uranus in Aries makes me think of fireworks- not just the conventional ones but the ones that make shapes & joy unexpectedly. 


What we are constructing & what we are deconstructing meet. This is obviously more or less intricate depending on your own chart, but TODAY (this-next week as well) these two transitions are in sync (trine). What's stoking your bonfire & can you see the fireworks? How is your revolution contributing to your commitments & vice-versa? Fire keeps us moving, keeps us going. Being able to evaporate heavy expectations & bring truth to power. This alchemy is easier to tap into right now.  This is opportunity for a breakthrough! 

Last aspect I want to touch on is Venus in Aries opposite Jupiter in Libra. I want to talk about how this feels as it is very real for me right now & maybe it is for you too. It feels like a see-saw between what people want you to give & what you need to give for yourself. It feels like wanting, needing more space for righteous relationship yet not knowing who's gonna show up for it. It feels like the liberation of truth &  justice that automatically eliminates those not invested into it. It feels like belonging to yourself yet wanting to belong as well. It feels like endless learning curves yet having to go back to basics over & over again.

It's okay to be here. And it's not about the myth of balance. It is about integration...going back to basics, aligning, & expanding from there. Learning, sharing, & committing to boundaries (Jupiter in Libra) while being unapologetically yourself (Venus in Aries). To my PoC: your existence is resistance. There is more to dig into here that I'll save for later or we can talk 1:1 about what it all means for you. Feel free to muse in the comments too! 

In closing, here is a poem that felt like Taurus season to me, by the one & only Pablo Neruda:

Still Another Day
"The days aren't discarded or collected, they are bees
that burned with sweetness or maddened
the sting: the struggle continues,
the journeys go and come between honey and pain.
No, the net of years doesn't unweave: there is no net.
They don't fall drop by drop from a river: there is no river.
Sleep doesn't divide life into halves,
or action, or silence, or honor:
life is like a stone, a single motion,
a bonfire reflected on the leaves,
an arrow, only one, slow or swift, a metal
that climbs or descends burning in your bones."

saltwater & stars