
wounds time travel; so does medicine

in this post I will be referring to the astrological timing technique called Annual Profections. if you want to nerd out over a thorough explanation I recommend Intro to Profections by Jo Gleason. bottom line: annual profections are an ancient astrological timing technique where upon birth you enter the activation of your first house (area of life). on your first solar return you enter the second house and so it continues, each solar return activating the consecutive house. the cycle repeats through the twelve houses until you die, meaning you visit a house in depth every 12 years. what a beautiful, effortless way to time travel…

I am coming to the end of a fourth house year by profection. the sphere of ancestry, roots, emotional well-being, and what it means to return to and/or create origin points has been activated for me since my last birthday. Mars rules this house for me, which has felt like everything circling back to autonomy, desire, and self-advocacy. this Martian part of me, the part that initiates pathways to desire, the part of me that defends and protects me, the part of me that knows I have my own back has been incredibly wounded in my past. this time around, the painful experiences of being impacted without regard by other people’s decisions have opened me up to deeper, more responsive Martian muscle.

Mars is conjunct Mercury retrograde in my natal chart; restorying, rewiring, rewriting have been crucial entry points into repairing the wounds my Mars has sustained. I feel more embodied in my agency, though I am still noticing where I default to the feeling of being dominated or controlled because the story is wired into my nervous system so deeply. it is a true story, but it is a story that ended for me in this fourth house year. the fourth house is also a place of endings; sometimes you have to leave stories for dead because they will suck the life out of you.

the first time the fourth house (the bottom of the crossroads, the bottom line) was activated for me in this way I was 3 and learning all about what it meant to crave safety and be unsafe at the same time, learning all about whether I could assert boundaries or not. the last time I was here I was 15 and beginning to resist subjugation and control, beginning to feel a long repressed anger, but still ultimately powerless.

as I am nearing thirty, it has been excruciatingly uncomfortable and incomparably empowering to have returned to this place. I have been confronted with the three year old and fifteen year old parts of me that were neglected, overpowered, and left behind. I often find them crying inexplicably, or seething with a resentment that tells me some need or hurt wasn’t validated and given the room to release. therefore grief became anger and the entanglement solidified.

when you’re twenty-seven the combination of the progressed lunar return, the nodal reversal, the entrance of Saturn into the sign of your Saturn return, and the fourth house year is quite the invitation to deprogram and reprogram, especially when it comes to reparenting. twenty-seven is a crossroads. (all of this repeats when you’re 55 except it’s your second Saturn return then!)

being at this particular entry point into the crossroads with the power and autonomy I have now that I didn’t have at 3 and 15 is in-tense. Mars does nothing if not bring you into the present tense, and the fourth house requires such a depth of presence if the gifts are to be retrieved. just like the wound brings forth the medicine, the grief brings forth the gifts. when you know what was missing, you know what you want to create for yourself.

what I have found is that not only have the wounds time traveled to meet me here from times in my life that were very tender in a way I’ll never experience again, but the medicine I am conjuring up now is also time traveling backwards. I am learning to listen to my anger from the fifteen year old and I am offering them every supportive reclamation of agency I can enact. I am learning to feel my feelings from the three year old and offering them every validation of my experience that I can.

there is no changing the circumstances of the past, but I can rewrite the story to have an ending that doesn’t leave me hopeless and helpless. I can create an ending where all the violations become protections I now give myself, where all the emotional neglect become expressions I allow myself, where other people’s misuse of power doesn’t hold me back from using my own.

re-parenting is fundamental, foundational, hard fucking work. I notice the ways I want to control, dominate, and subjugate myself in the hopes it will be less painful. but it’s not, on top of being unbearable anyway. instead, I tend to the altar I created for my inner child with pretty candles, good smells, cute things, love notes, and divination tools when I need that extra support.

this is where I have been, elbows deep in the underground dirt of the fourth house, and from where I will be emerging come my next solar return. I will always live with c-ptsd but the more I repair leaks in my power, the less terrifying it becomes to be emotionally available to my own life. self-veneration is a medicine that ripples into timelines, lifetimes, and lineages. most importantly though, it’s a medicine that can only be made and experienced by you.

I would love to support you in time traveling and restorying with your annual profections; you can book a reading here.

"consider the consequences"

Mars + Saturn meet in aquarius meet today. Anger + pragmatism. Passion + the paradigmatic. Desire + distance. Instinct + tradition. Reaction + response-ability. Urges + restriction. Independence + commitment. Direct action + patience. The short term + the long term. Inflammation + integration. Insulation + isolation. Fired up + cool. Freaked out + calm. A hot mess + collected.

some more ways Mars conjunct Saturn in aquarius may be showing up:
You want it right now but later is probably best.
You’re frustrated but choosing wisdom.
You feel the need for momentum but the restriction is real.
You’re ready for change but everything you can’t control is in your face.
You know what is true for you but fear, guilt, & obligation are in the way.
You stepped out of integrity & now have the opportunity to respond differently to the shame/remorse that comes up.
You realize you have a lot of theory but lack praxis.
You realize you have a lot of praxis but your theories need to evolve.
You want to trust it’s okay to fuck up, to be wrong, to go for it.
You’re aware responsibility is critical, your due diligence is necessary, it may be time to wait before you move forward.
You’re tired of certain boundaries even as you stay disciplined in maintaining them.
Your big picture is getting bigger.
Your details are getting slimmer.

this is a moment of integration, a meeting point. these statements aren’t binaries or oscillations, they are interwoven tensions slamming into each other creating more generative possibilities. results you may not see now but will experience later. meeting points are so rarely in the proverbial middle because that’s as mythical as Middle Earth itself. meeting points are ever moving touching stones in the intrinsically dynamic life/relationship between things.

so what are you gonna do? and maybe more importantly right now, what are you gonna not do?

”To get along with God, Consider the consequences of your behavior.”—Octavia Butler


quick note on mercury rx in scorpio

if libra is oriented towards intimacy, scorpio is oriented towards what happens inside the container of intimate relationship. what happens when you feel hurt or the relationship changes? when boundaries are violated or there’s too much or not enough separateness? how do we find our way back into love?

scorpio is the function of learning how to navigate the changing dynamics of emotional/spiritual security we form in relationships. it’s essential to remember that our autonomy & emotional well-being is the foundation of our ability to function in healthy relationships.

scorpio reminds us that relating brings up painful feelings & opportunities to repair the origin of those feelings. relationships require resilience via compassion for our own pain & that of others.

Mercury rx in scorpio at the same time is going to emphasize our learning curve here by assisting us in rewiring the way we think about intimacy & autonomy. Mars, ruler of scorpio, has been in libra since October 4 & won’t enter scorpio until November 19. in one way or another, this has had us doing this work in relationships—boundaries, asserting needs, being actively receptive, choosing love as a practice.

triple check your plans, your contracts, your money especially if you share it, & honor your energetic capacity. be patient with technical mix-ups. enter all communication & initiatives with the priority of having your own back.

but most importantly, refuse to hold onto any fear about Mercury rx. instead, lean into the lessons/observations/revelations it wants to bring you for your own spiritual-emotional well-being even if it looks like fuck-ups. judgement of your self or others is only going to hold you back in this process.

this is also a great time to review the year & investigate astrological themes for closure, then gently look at what’s incoming for your chart in 2020. we can work on this together!


mars in gemini: messages of momentum

Mars in gemini (March 31-May 15) is an active reminder of how everything is energy. like thoughts, the temporary & the recurring ones. like words, the ones you say to them & the ones you don’t. Mars in gemini can feel attention scattering but with intentionality, brings invigorating clarity about the connections between everything. the choices we don’t realize we’re making & the ones we do.

be attentive to the messages even if they’re not saying what you’d want them to be. that’s where forward movement happens. deceptions & delusions keep us stuck. the kindest thing we can do for ourselves & others is to be honest. because what is too fragile for the truth is too fragile for the future.

Mars wants to ignite you into deeper agency in the gemini area of your chart/life. gemini wants to talk to you about what you could learn & how you could adapt in ways that strengthen you rather than deplete you. 

(hot tip: I have only a few spots left in April for 1:1 sessions where we can work through this or any other transition!)