full moon in libra mini scopes

full moon in libra | April 7 @ 10:34PM EST

aries: how you are being in the world is crucial. at the intersection of you & everybody else is opportunity to shape that.

taurus: practice redirecting your energy & attention to the priorities you’re clearest about, regardless of how often you’re distracted.

gemini: conformity is a tempting default in uncertainty but it is your creative confidence that will shine brightest. still, lean into friendship & community.

cancer: root in radical love rather than fear, guilt, or obligation. you not only feel that motivator, but so does everyone around you.

leo: pursue everything you can that is life-giving to you. consider it a non-negotiable for being able to offer & receive help.

virgo: the world is full of grief & you are full of gifts to offer. your sensitivity, pragmatism, & creative prowess are invaluable assets.

libra: we need the magic that you bring just by being yourself. be honest with yourself about what support you need & what you’re able to give.

scorpio: challenge identities, belongings, or paradigms you’ve built your life on that are no longer relevant. not because you failed, but because you grew.

sagittarius: emotional availability becomes your creative availability becomes your deepest resource becomes your brightest contribution.

capricorn: how are you keeping your inner fire stoked so you can keep building beautiful relationships & showing up in the world with your truth?

aquarius: curiosity & willingness to learn will carry you further than attempting to establish a security rooted in resistance to change.

pisces: do that everyday shit that makes you shine brighter, that fortifies your soul. give this example to your community.

full length horoscopes & ritualistic protocol for tender times available for members.

