why does January feel like a whole year?

January feels like a whole year in itself but also like a weird time loop. this is because Saturn rules linear time so portions of December into February stretch into one time zone because of the presence of capricorn-aquarius planets, both ruled by Saturn. Saturn slows us down to the minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day (you get the point) reality of being alive. here we can maintain right relationship to our mortality (phrasing from @adriennemareebrown) & also realize the enormous amount of effort/care it requires to stay present. Saturn work is necessary. just ask yourself now & then if you’re taking things too seriously OR not taking yourself seriously enough—either can produce heaviness. we’re almost at the leo full moon (next wknd) & pisces (plus Mercury rx!) will be at the forefront before you know it. this is really all prep for that so take your time, be patient & gentle, and increase the unconditional love towards yourself. what we don’t have time for is less love in the world.

for further support, book a 2020 reading or become a horoscope member. ICYMI aquarians: the current Emoceanal Support workshop is for you. replay included with registration which closes tomorrow.🔮