dark moon recommendation

new moon in libra | september 28 @2:26PM EST

the dark moon (cleanse & clear) is in virgo before the moon becomes new early in libra. this is an invitation for relationship to be priority, a reminder that connection is what creates equilibrium in our work/growth centered lives. so beforehand...

contemplate the use of your time, attention, & energy. does it support being present to the love in your life or is it in the way?

we’re so focused on progress & improvement & damn, have our efforts for it become capitalistic. we’re invested in the outcome of a self that is other than who & where we are right now. the thing is, growth happens with or without your micro-management. growth happens more subtly & swiftly than you realize—if you trust it enough to stop trying so hard for it.

who are you when you stop trying so hard?

don’t let self-judgment have a seat at the table where love is being served. don’t let your humanity make you think you’re unworthy of something you don’t need to earn in the first place.

will you let yourself be loved as you are right now?

will you love yourself as you are right now?

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