
when horizon is a feeling, an experience, a longing. when horizon never means the edge of open landscape, instead meaning the edges of an open heart. horizon as unbelievable, a conceptual training ground for those with no trust in possibility. when the approach of summer is the only horizon worth waiting for.

the horizons we make for ourselves. the horizons given to us. the horizons that never come. horizons as a place you make home in when you’ve never really known the feeling. the experiment of trust as a horizon, something visible but not yet here, maybe never reachable. the horizon as the place the sun makes love in the evening & gives birth in the morning.

horizons as learning curves that just lead to other learning curves. horizons as the people, places, & things that bring us hope. that teach us vision. that show us how to love the future with as much devotion as it’s taken us to be where we are now.

for more on horizons as places of experiences & containers of being, join me for Houses: a Workshop on Where Life Happens.

HOUSES:a workshop on where life happens


(date change notice: originally announced for April 19)

registration is now open for the first Saltwater Stars workshop of 2019!

where the planets are at the moment of our birth has much to tell us about our relationship to consciousness, power, accomplishment, & potential. houses are areas of activity, realms of awareness, & portals of actualization.

life is happening everywhere, all the time. an understanding of the function of houses gives you finesse in choosing where to direct your attention & when. the houses show us where we have innate resonance…


details & registration here.

saltwater & stars

dark moon recommendation


dark moons are the time right before a New Moon, when we’re preparing our interior grounds for the seeds we want to plant. it’s a time to rest, hydrate, contemplate, & cleanse. we might feel insecure, angsty, & emoceanal. it’s a time to be gentle, to be easy, & take what comes up as valuable information about what you’re ready to release/change. even discord & discomfort can mean you’re in sync…

as for the flava of the New Moon: aries job is to follow impulse. aries is supposed to be directed by desire. actually, we are all supposed to be. it’s that beginner’s impulse, that innocence that keeps us trying again & again. the risk it is to be alive, to be truly present. aries is the start of life, that moment we wake up. birth. aries is guided by a self-trust informed by instinct rather than experience. the relationship to desire is instantaneous, visceral, & full of fire.

here’s where capricorn comes in tho: I keep saying Saturn & Pluto are not fucking around. out of all the planets, they fuck around the least. that means somewhere in your chart/life you’re being taught how to not fuck around. in more encouraging news, they’re also here (in conjunction with the South Node) to get the shit that’s in the way of what you’re ready to create in your aries area of life OUT. it may feel like pressure but you can really use it as a catalyst of agency & devotion to your self/work/love.

meaning: capricorn wants to help aries direct the desire & fire towards what will be sustainable in the long term. you’re response-able for shaping a future that comes whether you’re ready or not. that aries ability to be completely present to the here & now, the good/bad/beautiful of this moment, is an incredible place to generate from. look further than right in front of you. look deeper than everything that is behind you. what do you fucking want? sometimes it does just come your way. most times, you have to create it, initiate it, show up for it. take yourself seriously enough to invest your energy/attention into what’s really important to you. stay clear on it; that’s power. ‘cause this shit is short.

your horoscopes are waiting for you in the COMMUNE.

saltwater & stars

happy astro new year & workshop announcements!

we have reached the 5ever awaited arrival of aries season! I’m here to announce the workshops coming up in the next 3 months!

In April: The Houses
a virtual workshop on April 19th on the meaning of the astrological houses and the important correlation of your rising sign and planetary rulers.

In May: The Pleasure of Uranus in Taurus
a virtual workshop expounding on Uranus in taurus & how it is already changing our personal lives. this workshop will be available to COMMUNE members only. date & details to be sent in May. (you can join the COMMUNE at anytime here.)

In June: Eclipse Readiness
a virtual workshop on the summer Eclipses in cancer & capricorn, including a deeper dive into the Nodes & a look ahead at the final 2019 Eclipse in December. date TBA.

details on joining me for the April workshop will be up next week! meanwhile, your Full Moon horoscopes are waiting for you in the COMMUNE if you’re a member. public musings incoming, too.

with fire, fullness, & love