space keeping notes & an invitation

✨I'm taking a month off from querent work in October. the books open 3 months at a time & November/December are filling up. I recommend booking sooner than later if you want to work with me in the last quarter of 2021! I can’t believe preparing for 2022 is here. 😅

✨reminder: if you would be supported by reduced rates you can using the virgo season discount I sent in my last email to you before it expires on 9/21! if you joined the mailing list after September 8th, just press reply to this email and I’ll send the code over.

✨I also recommend booking sooner than later if you are interested in Integration Support for this year. Integration Support is the discounted follow up reading available to those who have worked with me within the last six months.

✨on the first friday of this month the Love Letters to the Houses series was completed with The Place of Prisms: A Love Letter to the First House. synchronistically, the prismatic creative process for the zines has been initiated!!!!! more on that in time…

✨The Love Letter Ritual Room will be open for my beloved patron saints at 7-8:30PM EST tomorrow, Friday the 17th of September. I had a beautiful re-storying conversation about the 10th house with a querent yesterday that has me wanting to talk about The Place of Praxis. if you become a patron saint before 7PM EST tomorrow you will be in time to join us. the space opens with intention setting, followed by the reading of the love letter, and closes with sharing our poetic contemplations and answering your questions. I will be ensconced in incense, lounging lingerie, candles, and adornment. you are invited to do the same.

✨my talk on the Planets as Ancestors is still available through the all access pass from Fresh Voices until the end of September!

✨the amount of re-storying necessary with querents who've had a frustrating reading with another astrologer is bittersweet. bitter that astrologers are out here delineating irresponsibly and uncreatively, sweet that re-storying is always possible. thank you to all whom I’ve ever worked with for taking the risk of trusting me. 🥰