the saturn return

the saturn return and taking inventory of a lifetime of conditioning. the saturn return and reshaping the inner parent. the saturn return and rejecting the inner critic. the saturn return and learning how to use discernment to protect yourself. the saturn return and taking no fucking shit. the saturn return and leaving the playground of projections and general fuckery. the saturn return and the boundary of not parenting other people's inner children through taking responsibility for their fears, insecurities, or self-neglect. the saturn return and the amazing generation learning to stay in their seat of power for the benefit of the entire world.

the saturn return and understanding that the more a quality sets you apart, the more it is worth protecting as a precious facet of distinction in the prism that you are. the saturn return and being able to call a thing a thing. the saturn return and finally knowing how to tell when someone is full of shit. the saturn return and understanding what just ain't it for you. the saturn return and knowing when it's not your shit. the saturn return and knowing when it is your shit.

the saturn return and the immense pleasure it gives me to work with those initiating themselves through this rite of passage. it is my honor & privilege to read for saturn initiates. if that’s you and you’ve trusted me, thank you. if that’s you and you are considering doing me the honor, I thank you.