
Saturn is not just boundaries, but also the fears that may inform the implementation of them.

Saturn is not just boundaries, but also the fears that may inform the lack of them.

I love talking about Saturn with querents. it’s rare that we don’t land on it as a way to understand how to create the internal infrastructure to continue showing up with full radiance and deep integrity. right now, Mars is in an exact opposition with Saturn. Venus, also in leo, will soon be doing the same. they’re both activating the Saturn-Uranus square that is about so many things that come down to reciprocity, sustainability, and integrity.

I recommend a 50 minute reading to dig into what this is all bringing you, especially if you have planets/points in taurus, leo, scorpio, or aquarius. this is the kinda transit that requires digging into what you are afraid of.

bottom line: some things are worth working for. some things are worth waiting for. sometimes, the waiting is the work. sometimes, the work is not to wait.