praise offerings

sliding into your inbox again to share some love offerings I’ve received recently because LOVE & GRATITUDE! this work wouldn’t be possible AT ALL without every single person who reads, offers reciprocity, and amplifies the transmissions it is my honor to share. oxo

Our reading/conversation changed everything for me ❤️❤️❤️ I feel like you broke the skin ! Whatever the skin was I don’t really know or care anymore !! My connection to my ancestors was so validated by your knowledge and advice and now my relationship with them has evolved into something so deep and so revealing 😍😍😍 I am learning so much from them and learning how to give back to them. I think of you often and feel so grateful that I got to work with you - feels like a moment in time that shifted me on to a path I have been afraid of my whole life. Your wisdom and your kindness really guided me in the right way. I don’t feel afraid of the future anymore ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for everything you do ❤️❤️
— Liv
What first drew me to your work (and continues to) are your words (love letters, horoscopes, teachings). You weave the most beautiful tapestry of words that I literally feel it in my spine. As I read/listen to your words I find myself searching for and deepening into my own relationship with words and language. This is healing to me because at almost 42 years old I acknowledge and accept that I have done enough shedding/rewiring/repatterning that there is now a space in me where I am believing my own words. I straight up legit feel the magic and momentum behind my own words and I find myself wanting to reclaim the words (and sounds and songs and stories) of my original language - Spanish (Boricua!). It is almost like I have been granted permission to be with this part of me and I hold this space in the most highest regard and reverence. Thank You.
— J
The insights, imagery, and guidance you give are so connective and intentional. I feel as though someone I admire and deeply respect is telling me something important rather than trying to appeal to me or sell me something. Your words always stick with me for days after reading them.
— E
Your words are a warm bath, a rain, sun on skin, a full meal that gives eternal. I come back to your poetry, your downloads over and over while my mind weaves pathways around the meaning. I knew you were deeply plugged in from day one and the respect for what you do, how you do it, and how you evolve.
— Kendra
your work is such deep medicine. the horoscopes are so affirming and always pull the astrological themes together in a new and poignant way for me. i like to return to them through the course of the month and as i do, they keep unfolding, always a wonderful anchor for the moment we’re in.
— Kaitlin A.
You, your work is Authentic. Clear cut, no bullshit, no pretense. Heart centered, soul driven, unapologetic and able to call me to the carpet.
— Karla T
it makes me feel spacious in my capacity to make room for my own grief and fullness. your work weaves healing threads through the skies and it reminds me of the ways in which we get to be abundant, still. it is always a moment for deep breaths.
— agatha
Oh my lordy mamalah...your readings, your words have been the call of the Divine, bringing me back home to myself....I had been working so hard to accept and/or create a life that was not mine...and your generosity, your deep, deep loving and gentle and tidally strong offerings cracked and splintered the dying shell of let the water and light help that still surviving baby queer/gender fluid/Buffalo spirit/Jewess/star loving/earth loving/ocean smitten/righteous motherfucker me have another chance at remake remember who I truly was....and I am always and lovingly at your service to give back to you if I ever can. Truly. You are one of my greatest teachers...and I adore you, and want you to receive all the Goodness.
— Trella D.

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