a love note for the weekend

blue skies and eighty five. sunshine between my thighs. finally. fresh violets, faded buttercups, red feathers if you look up. trusting the foot in the grass, trees so tall the shade lasts. songs singing themselves, honey bees flirting with me. it smells like peppermint but it can’t be, can it? I feel like the first butterfly. ever. I see you sitting beside me, smile wide as galaxies. it’s opening everything inside me. I’m deepening my wildness, gone deep into my wilderness. I’m floating, a kind of slow motion you can’t see.

I want you to experience this moment for yourself. you don’t find it, stop looking. you have to summon it with a million little moments that smell, taste, feel, look, sound like it. you have to make it like you mean it. don’t fake it cause then somebody else can take it. engage your patience. the best place to wait is right here. because of how precious & precarious aliveness is, you must be your deepest investment. and you’re happening in this moment. all other moments ripple from this one. what happens if you be in it? I don’t fucking know. but you better go find out.

the moon is in pisces until sunday morning when it enters aries. go for a spiritual swim, make fire inside you, savor the last days of the sun in sexy taurus.