in the dark {new moon in virgo}

New Moon in Virgo
September 20 | 1:30 AM EST

Until the Moon renews, we're in a Dark Moon phase. You can't see la luna at night anymore & energy may similarly become invisible. It seems many are feeling this strongly right now- I think Dark Moons in Leo (the sign before Virgo) are super potent because Leo is about our self esteem, our creativity, & our power. All things we need to align with to do the work of Virgo. I feel like right now we're preparing for what we may not even be able to see is coming. We're cleaning & cleansing & adjusting details- which is what Virgo does best in any scenario. The Sorter, the Healer, the Aid, the Hermione... 

As usual, I'm encouraging moon-children & mermaids to take extra care, extra rest, & extra love during the Dark Moon. This is the portal where we eliminate any unnecessary shit so we can get clear about our intentions, so we can actually give birth. I always imagine myself in a dark room alone, doing nothing but feeling everything, crying saltwater, & leaving refreshed. That's the kinda process that is going on in some way with the general energy of Dark Moons. 

They're also an excellent time for magic, ritual magic- which is another specialty of Virgo. Infusing the mundane with the Divine. Bringing thought (Mercury, Virgo's planetary ruler) into Earth (Virgo's element). Whenever I write about Virgo I end up explaining the essence of the sign a lot because there's just something so solid & tangible about it, even though all this Virgo energy right now (Sun, soon-to-be Venus, Mercury, Mars) pulls  on my emotional Pisces Moon (the opposite sign of Virgo).

So, take it easy & trust your urges to surrender & cleanse.  Write up some beautiful, sleek intentions for the New Moon in Virgo, integrate them into practical shit or support, & let them grow organically. This New Moon is an opportunity to put into practice all the Eclipse revelations, ground all the Leo fire so it keeps burning, & prepare for the liberation that will be the Full Moon in Aries on  October 5th. 

saltwater & stars