how to show love to eighth house moons

the eighth house can be a hard place for a tender, soft baby moon to grow up in. living here means being at the gates of grief, shame, and power more often than many may ever understand. eighth house moons reside at an intersection of uncovering scarcity and generating reciprocity. it can be difficult for the emotionally generous or resourcefully available to ask for, or even consider themselves worthy of deep, intentional care. I have gathered some ways those who care for beloved eighth house moons can show love.

finesse your deep listening skills: being able to be on the receiving end of nonjudgemental, undivided listening that softens the edges of concern around “taking up too much space” can be an enormous gift to the eighth house moon. the intentional offering of attention and reassurance could be an uncomfortable stretch that brings much needed relief from the weight eighth house moons often carry alone.

complete acts of care, resource, or support without being requested: receiving without the effort of clarifying needs so a request can be made may not always be available to eighth house moons, but can be a more than welcome and long overdue experience of reprieve. eighth house moons often feel as if their needs are invisible to them, often because of the solidification of internalized shame and rejection. initiating support without being asked through investing into noticing when and where support is needed is a rainbow in a storm.

play around with asking the right questions: when it is not clear what is needed or responsibility has already been undertaken without expectation of support, being asked may come as a surprise to the eighth house moon. an answer may not be at the ready. becoming creative and specific with how the eighth house moon is asked about their needs could be a restful place to land.

observation: eighth house moons may not always able to feel safe and comfortable in the visibility of their emotional worlds. a depth of presence and listening (skills of observation) can support the eighth house moon in receiving feedback, increasing their emotional availability, and self-understanding. it is important to remain sincere and unassuming, as eighth house moons do not appreciate consuming bullshit. keeping attentions energetically clean and clear will always be appreciated.

gratitude and reciprocity: there is so much invisible emotional, spiritual, and material investment that occurs in the eighth house. the work of this place is not easy, and the eighth house moon is directly involved in creating pathways from pain to power for themselves and others. they do this whether they are acknowledged for it or not. take the time to honor their inner and outer work, to celebrate their victories, and shower them in gratitude for their contributions, especially the ones they offer when no one is looking.