deescalating the love letter project

as you may know, in august the zines were fully funded & right now they are in production. on friday, I actually decided to deescalate the patreon because I don't have the time/energy to produce benefits right now & I don’t know when I will. I'm so in love with this offering and it's so important to me that it remains in its integrity, and that it remains a pleasure. I may start a substack or some other way of funding the future zines when I start writing astrological love letter series again.

deescalating means that I have ceased most benefits, and I have closed all tiers except the tip jar one, on which there are only 10 spots left. the zines will be available to patrons first, and available to the public sometime in early 2022.

when the zines become public, they will only be available as bundles of 12 sun or moon, or 24 sun and moon signs. so the tip jar gives you first access, discount code on bundles, and the ability to choose just your sun/moon sign. there are 10 spots left because I am capping the entire patreon at 50 patrons because that's a number of individualized orders I can handle. fulfilment is expected by the end of the year.

so basically, if there are 10 more of you that want to be among the first to have the love letter zines in your hands, want to support the ongoing admin work, and the design work which I'm doing ✨myself✨ now, don’t wait. 💋💋💋