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mercury retro thrival tips: pisces style


if you really take the time to notice, you may find there are things that are easier now than you imagined & things that are hard in ways you couldn’t have imagined. you may also notice that leaving is not the same as letting go & retroactively doing so can be lonely yet freeing.

these kind of percolations are what Mercury retrogrades are for, especially in the empyreal realms of water (pisces/cancer/scorpio). we have a Mercury retrograde in each of these realms this year. the first is in pisces during March 5-28, though we are already in the warm up shadow zone.

other things to attend to for more ease of imagination during the next several weeks:
triple check your travel plans.
don’t overbook or overdo it.
pause before you respond.
don’t don’t don’t lie or evade the truth.
be as clear as you can re: financials, technology, communications.
don’t rely on assumptions, even simple ones like “this body of work will save with no problem to my computer.” proactively save & back up what you can.
default to arts, creativity, daydreaming, imagination, & rest as a strategy when things get overwhelming.

most importantly, don’t fear monger yourself or others about any retrograde. it’s just an invitation to slow down & pay attention where we usually autopilot.

if you would like to know more about the potency of this retrograde & get details on the ones to come, join us for a COMMUNE only virtual gathering + Q & A covering the three watery Mercury retrogrades on Monday, March 4th. further details & live access is for those who join(ed) the COMMUNE before March 4, 12AM EST; the recording will be posted in the COMMUNE afterwards for those who cannot attend live.

saltwater & stars