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the pleasure planet gets capricorn action

Venus is a Pleasure Planet. in capricorn, the pleasure comes from clear containers, intentional devotion, & stable investments. Venus in capricorn has moved away from Jupiter, is near the south node, then will be close to Saturn & Pluto. Venus wants to know where the love is so capricorn can respect it as sacred or move on accordingly.

Jupiter hopefully brought some clarity & direction for relationships/resources even if in the form of a rude awakening. the south node wants you to implement strategy skills of integrity & release defaults of self-harm. Saturn wants you get real, be true, stay devoted to quality over quantity. Pluto wants you to light quantification & qualifications from a sick system on fire & sweep the ashes out the way.

responsibility is the ability to respond. this is what the capricorn action wants to increase—not the pressures of fear, guilt, obligation or oppressive commitments. but it’s not easy.

the work comes in here. it usually requires a massive amount of de-conditioning to CHOOSE pleasure with substance, to craft clear containers, to get what’s in the way of being able to respond to your own life OUT. the thing is that it also takes an enormous amount of TIME. the medicine for the bruises or fuel for the long run is grace & gentleness.

if you need saltwater support under these stars, I got you. book me if you emoceanal.
