i cried for the world

I woke up this morning and cried. I dreamt that I was hugging a few people I may never see again, not because they’re dead but because the relationships were severed. I have experienced a massive amount of severance in my life, some of it for my absolute safety/sanity, most of it because no one involved knew how to mitigate, navigate, and resolve conflict.

what a fucking mess! what a bottomless heartbreak…

I sat in front of my mesa (altar) and pulled some cards to help my articulate what I was feeling, because it felt so big and unspeakable. what am I grieving? the World. how can I support myself in this? Ace of Swords. what possibility might being with this birth? Strength, Seven of Pentacles.

once I saw the World I realized that, of course, this grief is not just mine. but it’s the grief flooding in from this intake process & transmutation of cancel culture that I’m doing. I used to sometimes think that feeling the feelings of the world was just my formerly poor etheric boundaries. I now recognize it as a gift that I actually use with skill, after learning from all my failures (Seven of Pentacles). even my participation in cancel culture was coming from this place of understanding the grief and rage and wanting to show solidarity. I welcome being with the wounds of the world because I trust that it is part of what I’m here to do, so that I can develop the Strength necessary to participate in transmutation and repair instead.

the Ace of Swords told me to write, as well as to clear my mind and be in my body instead. Ace of Swords reminded me that a new beginning is always right here, in the nervous system. it also makes me think about how I’ve been referring to myself as a Reparative Conduct Specialist. I never thought I would land within a title like that, but if you look at the list of lineages on my site it makes total sense. more importantly, that’s what becoming the Lord of your own Failures (Seven of Pentacles) means. you can only repair what you know is broken, which means understanding how and why it broke, and what’s required next.

my dream was a painful but gentle integration of how this process of transmuting cancel culture isn’t just about addressing a phenomenon but acknowledging it as an extension of what pre-existed. before I was on the internet blocking whoever I was told to block and “calling in” random white people, my family of origin was constantly cutting each other off, slandering each other, and being violent in every way. that’s the root of cancel culture; our hurting parents, families, and communities. now I’m estranged from most of them, and have lost so many friends due to poorly handled conflicts or accusations of harm or simply very low distress tolerances.

I refuse to be estranged from the world I believe we’re creating because of fear. I refuse to be estranged from each other. I refuse to not have a family or community. I love you.

as of writing this, there are a three spots left for Sunday’s pop-up emoceanal support group Transmuting Cancel Culture. if your heart wants to be there and it is full when you read this, reply to this email and I’ll add a spot for you.

BYOND: bring your own nuance and discernment

what I wrote the day the nodes ingressed into gemini-sagittarius in May 2020:

being able to hold duality with neutrality creates space for active listening, less agendas, & non-binary thinking. critical thinking is crucial. and it’s not just something that happens in the mind, it’s not just brain training. it happens in the body, in the feeling you get that something isn’t right, in that dream that’s whispering the truth to you, in the synchronicities teaching you about noticing. the messages between the underworld & you.

if our most potent questions don’t take us somewhere, are we honoring the privilege it is to ask them? are we being in right relationship with questions as entities, as tiny portals into collective myth making & story telling?

we actually need to use the skill of neutral duality to identify what the truth is. too much neutrality comes at the detriment of integrity (hypocrisy). the truth being mutable doesn’t negate that it’s the point on the compass without which we are directionless, meaning-less, & irresponsible with our intent/impact ratios. so there’s a relationship between a beginners mind & an ancients wisdom.

hypocrisy may sound terrible but identifying it is part of integration. it’s not a phenomenon, it’s an inevitability. hypocrisy is attempting to make truth a static point or making a black hole (a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—not even light—can escape from it) out of neutrality. then it happens we know one thing but say another. we say one thing but believe another. we think one thing but experience another. we claim something but behave according to another. we forget how to bridge, how to create a vortex (fluid spiral dynamics). as of today, the next 18 months are going to carry us into these lessons like a data gathering device thrown into a tornado (yes, that’s a twister reference). starting this summer, the eclipses happen on this gemini-sagittarius axis, hopefully clearing out some of our hypocrisies & increasing whats generated from our ability to hold duality.

join me and my friend Kelsey this Sunday for a conversation about this 18 month transit! for only $12 you’ll enjoy 2 hours of precious reflective gems, laughter, and astro church. no astro knowledge necessary. a recording will not be available so come thru!

mastering the malefics

Mastering the malefics is like learning to drive. Anything can go wildly wrong at any moment. It is one of the most casual life/death things most of us do. You need Mars to make quick decisions, you need Saturn to make wise ones. You need an elixir of fearlessness and caution. If you want to go places responsibly, enjoy traversing terrain, and bring people along with you (drive a large vehicle, live a big life), you need to embody a deep collaboration of Mars and Saturn.

Consider that doing the malefic well more often than not brings you Very Good Things that are invigorating and lasting, and doing the benefics (Venus/Jupiter) well often brings you Very Frustrating Things such as other peoples envy, manipulation, and entitlement. This isn’t a binary, but a spectrum of experience that can help to equalize the playing field of favoritism the benefices (and those that embody them) receive and the judgement the malefic (and those that embody them) receive.

It’s very painful to receive reactions to embodying or mastering the malefics and/or benefics. Emoceanal support for apocalypse isn’t just for the impact of collective crises, but also the personal crises of being enclosed by interpersonal conflict/tension. It is at this intersection that my work resides.

venus cazimi: loving femmes, eating pussy, and fucking women

I needed to use this brilliant audio to ritualistically release myself from shame this morning. I needed to be free to love pussy and embodiments of the sacred feminine/primordial. for some time, I have been becoming aware that there were still parts of my own Venus, my own pleasure and desire, that were still bound up in conditioned shame. when I finally came out in my early twenties, it took years to fully realize I was still defaulting to only allowing myself to fully desire or imagine possible sexual and romantic pleasure with those who still presented masculine, even if they were nonbinary and/or trans. I wanted to let that go. I wanted to be able to fully desire and imagine possible sexual and romantic pleasure with beautiful, sweet and soft femmes without feeling like a creep, guilt for betraying my conditioning, or intimidated by my own fears of inadequacy. because loving beauty is vulnerable, demanding, and breathtaking.

desiring women and femmes was a secret for so long, the feeling was still hiding in my body, the somatic association feeling permanent and cunning. but it hasn’t been a secret for years; my body has just been catching up to the Uranian leaps I made into being who I really am. it absolutely had something to do with whether I could love the beautiful, sweet and soft femme that I am. I decided to stop trying to prove my sacred masculinity existed some time ago, but this is all a shedding process and the process is the point.

being a queer two-spirit person is like having one foot in this dimension and another in many others. it is being too big to contain, it’s being a planet. this sounds fucking gorgeous, and it is, but it also means I don’t fit into constructs and so when I contort myself into them, I do more damage than anyone else does when they attempt to control me or fail to see me. I don’t want to hurt myself anymore, even in the secret quiet places that no one else can see or touch.

there’s no closure to this, except that I am free now. releasing my desire from the confines of shame isn’t about making myself more available to get into the femme4femme relationship of my wildest dreams. it’s about being in a relationship with myself where I get to experience my wildest dreams on a cellular level simply by letting the desires to flow through me, to become me, to be in that kinda love with me. I am a glimmering intersection of embodied desires and I get to exist.