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what the fuck just happened: part 2

read part 1 here


as the world is changing, we observe how sections of society (particularly in the context of the U.S.A, with all due disrespect) are trying to hold onto “tradition”, old values, “the way things have been done”, & the structures and belief systems that this culture/non-culture has been created & supported by. don’t do that in your own life. it’s going to only bring more deconstruction & demolishing. this isn’t a light switch to turn on & off—we have to constantly choose & re-choose what we’re creating. we’re going to look back & not know how to move forward and that’s okay. the way will be shown. that’s also an important message of Jupiter in sagittarius where some of us want to have some semblance of thinking that we know it all or know all we need to know. that’s just not going to happen.

when we’re working with the Moon & the Nodes, it’s always about looking back. looking to the past/the origin/the root because that is where you can make the most radical change. that insight, that information is what gives you the most accurate data for how to move forward differently. that is the purpose of retrospect: looking back to move forward differently. otherwise its just wallowing or unproductive.

when we’re working with the Moon/Nodes/eclipses, always look to the root because that is where the change needs to start. we’ve started our leo/aquarius axis changes & they’re going to continue to grow if we continue to water them. moving into the cancer/capricorn axis is about how we’re watering that. how are we taking care of ourselves emotionally & spiritually so that we can offer our brightest contribution?

this angle of getting to the deeper layer/tending to the root is so important to center because in this oppressive culture/Gregorian calendar, there is so much pressure to always be looking ahead, always be looking forward. that what matters most is what you decide to do now, differently. that’s so true and if you’re not treating the root, you’re just treating symptoms. if you’re not tending to the cause, you’re just adjusting the external manifestations. cancer/capricorn are going to be pulling us into going deeper & being embodied. cancer is water, capricorn is earth. leo is fire, aquarius is air. they’re all different ways of movement. working with the Moon & the Nodes is humbling because it teaches us how to honor our origins, how to treat the past as sacred, treat retrospect as spiritual analysis.

you can look to July (when we had the first new Moon solar eclipse in cancer) until now & see how things have changed in relationship to your belonging & healing path. cancer is the sign before leo. so we’re moving backwards, which is how the Nodes work. wherever the North Node is (and the South Node is always exactly opposite) that’s where the dominant eclipses will be. the Nodes move backwards. we did our leo/aquarius portals & are moved into our cancer/capricorn portals.

we’re already in capricorn season, the Sun is conjunct Saturn as I speak. longevity is at the forefront. and with the capricorn eclipse on Janurary 5th & the following cancer/capricorn eclipses over the next year or so, it’s going to be about creating longevity & legacy. this is why capricorn comes before aquarius. we need to keep in mind that the work that we’re doing to heal the world, to “transform ourselves to transform the world” as Grace Lee Boggs said, is long-term. this will not be “over” in your lifetime, you will never “arrive”, & it will not be “done” even in 7 generations from now.

if you’re living in the U.S.A, you’re living in a narrative of oppression that is 500-600 years old. it’s going to take another 500-600 years to move us in a direction towards restoration. capricorn is going to be teaching us how to focus on & incorporate longevity into our plans, our building, our future, our collective contributions. even though capricorn has this stereotypical reputation of being self-focused on their own ambition & accolade, its actually a universal sign— a collective perspective. it’s the way that capricorn energy has been abused in white supremacy kyriarchy culture that has enabled it to manifest as self-centered accumulation of wealth & ambition. but actually capricorn & saturn are about collective structure, collective support systems, collective ambition. we’re going to learn that on a personal level with the cancer/capricorn eclipses.


Uranus entered Taurus in March and then retrograded back into aries in November. Uranus in aries was 8 years of revolution through fighting for agency. aries, ruled by Mars, fights for agency, fights for power, fights for autonomy. with Uranus it’s about the collective (Uranus is the ruler of aquarius), society, the world. we saw births of movements that were about centering agency. for example: Black Lives Matter. that’s it. it wasn’t so much about trying to live or create a future that isn’t here yet without addressing the root of the problem.

with Uranus being in aries for a quarter of the year, entering taurus, then returning to aries in November, it’s been fire-earth-fire. Uranus went back into aries because we have unfinished business there. Uranus in taurus is going to be changing commerce, money, exchange, transaction, relationships, & self-value. we had a little taste of that from March-November & Uranus going back into aries is like: you can’t change that before you change you, before you figure out a way to stay rooted in your agency & power.

taurus is a relational sign because it’s ruled by Venus- it’s very concerned with the self, but also the relationship between things. as an earth sign, it’s very grounded. that new earth era is coming in 2019 but we’re finishing up 2018 with Uranus in aries, like we started it. we’ve been fighting for agency for 8 years—now we have to think about what’s next. how are we going to embody this agency? taurus is about embodiment, aries is about agency. Uranus in taurus collectively will be asking, “how do we plant seeds that are rooted in our agency & let them grow?” that’s happening somewhere in your chart & it’s part of the collective story. Uranus in aries is about collectively fighting for agency, Uranus in taurus is going to be about collectively cultivating security. you can look at March-November & observe how your relationship to security may have changed. those changes or beginnings of epiphanies are going to be full speed ahead in 2019.

read the live questions & answers here

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