solar eclipse

dark moon recommendation


“Just because we may be capable of forcing ourselves to continue down a certain path does not mean our nervous systems or physical health will be OK with that decision.”—Healing from Hidden Abuse by Shannon Thomas

please take rest with you into this next era. it can be easy to default back into the “getting things done” & “being about my business until my body crashes” mode during capricorn season…during capitalism. take rest with you. look to the North Node in cancer…nourishment, spiritual & emotional well-being, relationship…those are our new priorities if we want to thrive. yes, even with a Solar Eclipse in hyper-capable capricorn. hard work, we know how to do. capitalism, we know how to do. surrender, intimacy, rest, inner healing…we’re learning.

take your spirituality with you. don’t leave the most sacred parts of yourself behind to climb the mountain. in another sense, the Eclipse is asking: how many tools do you need to gather before you start using the ones you already have? how much knowledge do you need to accumulate before you begin embodying? how much wisdom do you need to consume before you generate your own through lived experience & real-time reflection?

watch your tendencies to seek capital—social, political, financial, spiritual—it should be the sustainable result of a stable foundation, that is then distributed towards justice. it is not THE measure of integrity, success, longevity, or even resonance. be in relationship, not consumption. make your plans, craft your intentions, deepen your resolve—certain that everything will change. your initiation is required, for sure. but then your response-ability is needed. not your control. you will not be able to stay the same & have desired outcomes.

this is dirty work, as Dark Moons are. as soul cycles are. the only thing you have to master is yourself, and that process will never end. so choose what chooses you. that’s a resonance of longevity. who gives a fuck if you’re inconsistent? continue to reveal the you that exists outside of, underneath, & within what the kyriarchy (intersecting systems of oppression) has validated. build on that, because it’s the infrastructure that will unconditionally support you. yes, I’m saying lead with your heart, with your body, with your soul.

saltwater & stars

throne yourself

new moon partial solar eclipse in leo | saturday, august 11 @5:58AM EDT 

"how many prayers must cross in the sky, at odds, to confuse the gods into hiding? (for isn’t it true that the idea of god corrupts us, tricks us into diminishing our divinity until we forget how to be answers?)"-adrienne maree brown

our doubt that our full hearts make for clear eyes and that we will KNOW it when the love is real is at odds with the reality that we are god. this leo eclipse hopes we are no longer interested in striving for people to change. this leo eclipse wants us to be in our own godliness so that it doesn't matter if they change or not. it is time to throne ourselves. not to engage in mimicking our oppressors domination olympics, but to do right by ourselves & our people. to offer our most necessary, righteous, holy, & humble contribution.

every eclipse is a portal & what we carry through matters. we don't have to settle or try to make anything less than what feels right work. because miracles exist and are out there spiraling towards us. we are them, too. we hold within ourselves the capacity to simultaneously be who we have been, who we could be, & who we are right now. everyday, you choose. you may not be feeling very strong right now. you may be feeling all the tenderness of what it means to be human, to be changing, to be vulnerable. you may be coming up against the humanity of others, which is sometimes disappointing. sometimes glorious.

being in right relationship with our selves is what allows us to accept & adapt, rather than feeling subjugated or resistant to what is evolving in or around us. there are no on & off switches. it is all a practice, a play, an experiment. we will have a full moon total lunar eclipse in leo in January...consider from here to there your time container for learning what it feels like to be in all your power & to own your response-ability to shape.

when the moon is new & this moment has passed, the process of integrating will still be here. be patient with it- because it is only the measure/illusion of perfection that makes us think we are supposed to be anyone but who we are right now. 

may nothing less than deep presence & life-giving love come through this eclipse portal with us.

saltwater & stars

mermaid musings on eclipses, retrogrades, & you

you have nothing to be afraid of. things don't happen because of astrology. as humans, we have a wild amount of free-will. people are still making decisions; you are still response-able for your self & your life. we cannot control what happens externally but that is true at all times- it doesn't become more true during cosmic events- we're just deeply reminded of it. and being reminded of how little control we have can be humbling. so we use astrology to be more intentional with when we decide to push, pull, advance, retreat. we use astrology to remember that it's not just us in our heads/bodies & that there is also a wild amount of interconnectedness available to us. we use astrology to remember that shit ebbs & flows, waxes & wanes, & that's more than okay- it's desirable. 

many have been asking for my advice on this month. there’s a lot of freak out going on. it saddens me. astrology is to help you listen, give attention, & synchronize with what’s actually happening for you. your chart, your context ultimately matters most. this is why we need astrologers- we're not just here to translate & expand on the current mood, we're here to help you look deeper into yourself. your patterns, dynamics, & capacities. how can you have the full range of all your agency? that is my question. astrology as a practice, to me, is about more response-ability, not abdicating it to the stars. 

eclipses aren’t just one day. they are the weeks & sometimes months, before & after. some say years. point is, they are beginnings & climaxes, like the new & full moons they occur with. they end eras & open ways. clarity. please don’t be afraid. you’ve already been shaping towards what next weeks new moon solar eclipse in cancer means for you. and retrogrades- like mars in aquarius right now & mercury in leo later this month- in essence slow things down. the friction may arise when you don't want to slow down, when you don't make space for that to happen. the magic may arise when you do. 

this is why we need to reject narratives of urgency or fear when it comes to this month/eclipses/retrogrades. instead, ask deeper questions. what support do you need to stay cool, calm, & clear? what are you holding too tightly to or not opening up to receiving, that might be causing tension? much of the time, our discomforts are actually growing pains. most of the time, our insecurities are rooted in focusing more on external validation & affirmation than in being in right relationship with ourselves. this is all a never ending learning curve- don't be surprised when shit shows up over & over again. it's all nonlinear. just like every new & full moon is an opportunity to add or remove a layer. to take the time to cycle through. 

the new moon eclipse opposes pluto in capricorn. intensity for sure- yet we also have a grand trine (three planets in sync) in water & earth. you’ll have a life raft & an anchor. everything you need to navigate the waters of cancer. everything you need to begin this (re)new journey deeper into the cancer part of your chart. if you're like- this is all great Ariana BUT HOW- we can talk about what this means for you if you're really feeling it. if you're really in so many transitions & shifts you need perspective or to reclaim agency. you can even come afraid, & we'll talk through it. no answers, just clear inquiry & uncovering the truths already there.

hopefully I will be sharing more with you all during the coming weeks- youI'll also be delving deeper into what the eclipses & retrogrades are offering in the Commune as well, which is always open to welcoming more mermaids & starlings. because we need right relationship with the stars, with the times, with ourselves. 

saltwater & stars

eclipse relief {current mood}

Rihanna isn't a Leo but DAMN. Fucking inspo.

Rihanna isn't a Leo but DAMN. Fucking inspo.

From my musings on Facebook
Don't forget IT IS LEO SEASON. Get as much sunshine (literally/metaphorically) as you can. What makes you smile? What does SHINE mean to you? Where's your joy at? 

I feel like we use the word "shine" a lot without being specific as to what it means. It can feel like every cell of your body is glowing. It can feel like being just okay yet being okay with that. It can feel like you are THE SOLAR CENTER of your life (which you are). It can feel like whatever the fuck you want it to. You just need to zoom in on it. Light it up. 

This is Eclipse relief.

Because it was a tough one. Leo is the process of individuation- Aquarius is the process of integrating the authentic individual into the collective. Pedestals did not survive this Full Moon in Aquarius. As disappointing as that is to Leo, most of us really. Everybody's falling off them. But at the end of the day this is okay. Because we want equitable relationships, right? Not ones based on hierarchy. Aquarius is not okay with that. 

I found myself (along with others) reconsidering the ways I wait, ask, & think I need external approval & validation. Leo tends to get caught up in this but Aquarius is, being the opposite sign, not interested. Aquarius is about individuation that is not processed by how it fits into constructs. I think we spend too much time waiting for "people" to forgive, validate, or see us. But we're not even letting ourselves be seen. Fuck forgiveness, judgement, punishment. We need to start with radical love of the self & collective. And move forward from there. Active love that doesn't evade, ignore, or deny the darkness, but body & bravely embraces it. 

I wrote detailed 'scopes for each sign (you can subscribe anytime) about what cycles might be coming to a close with a Lunar Eclipse according to the houses...this means knowing your rising sign. Anyway, it made me think about how Eclipses reverberate. Like, it wasn't over Monday. And it didn't start then either. I feel that it depends on the individual so much- what your process is & exactly how much is being cleared out. That's what I feel this Eclipse was, a big HEY GET RID OF THIS reminder. 

We're getting rid of shit because we need soooo much space for what is gonna show up with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st. I think the deeper we let ourselves acknowledge the feelings that came up with the Lunar Eclipse, the clearer we might be. And clarity is truth, is transformation, is power. 

Reminder: For the entire month of August aka Eclipse season, you can book an hour 1:1 session with me for $100 (20% off the usual rate). We can talk about your Eclipse story, map out what the Solar Eclipse may be bringing you, & figure out what this Mercury retro (Aug. 12-Sept.5) is telling you. 

sending ease & love, 