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energetic overwhelm protection tips

surviving apocalypse (personal and political uncoverings) demands that we be in relationship with every tool at our disposal. surviving apocalypse is multidimensional work. kyriarchy (intersecting systems of oppression) is not the only force at play. we have generations and generations of ancestral, earth based medicine available to use.

these are relatively simple practices brujes like myself are always using and that anyone can access. practice increases potency but if you’ve never done any of these before, that’s okay!

prayer / spell-casting / petitions: words chosen and spoken with intention and your full attention. remember you are always praying, casting spells, and making petitions when you direct your attention, use your voice, and ask for what you want. imagine the power of doing so intentionally?

call in your benevolent ancestors, protector spirits, and guides everyday: benevolent ancestors are those (named or unknown) who have crossed over and want to support you. protector spirits can be relationships with the earth around you, deities that have shown up for you, or objects that make you feel safe. guides are tools/spirits/etc. you look to for guidance and clarity. call them in with gratitude, receptivity, and reciprocity. candles and offerings can show up here.

garlic and salt: you can place garlic (an entire bulb or a clove) and/or salt at your entrances and exits for strong spiritual protection. salt (not epsom) can be sprinkled in baths for cleansing. a cup of saltwater poured over yourself in the shower works, too. garlic protects and salt cleanses, though they both do this in their own way.

visualizations aka imagination skills: visualize/imagine being surrounded by a sphere of light or color or by the plant/element of choice depending on what resonates in each moment. for example, thorny roses for protecting the heart, fire when energetic slime needs to be incinerated, earth for grounding the body, water for cleansing the emotions/environment. trust the symbols/plants/elements that come to mind in response to an energetic need. you can also visualize a container, object, or living being of some sort nearby to absorb what is being directed towards you. ask it to leave/dissolve when you no longer need it.

water: jars of water around the home or near/underneath your bed help to absorb excess energy and emotional overwhelm. thank the water. pour it out into the earth if accessible or down the toilet and refill as needed. agua florida/holy water is great for application before heading out or engaging with others. you can also add florida water or other resonant materia to those water jars to energetically bless and cleanse. a simple shower with the intention of cleansing energetic gunk is effective as well!

deep clean your living space: a deep cleaning will go a long way to removing excess energy and build up in a space. be creative with what energy you fill your space with once it is cleansed. what are you inviting in now that the slate is clean?

morning and evening rituals: even if it’s just for a short period of time like Eclipse season, knowing you will do something in the morning and/or evening to center in your spiritual sovereignty and etheric connection is a great comfort to the nervous system and energetic field. choose something small and easy that doesn’t rely on depth of energy or presence. it may help if it isn’t extra time sensitive but is attached as a bookend to something you already do every day.

boundaries: supportive, strengthened, practiced boundaries are the clear container that cushions a sensitive nervous system. say no when you feel a no, say less when you feel a less, make yourself unavailable to what you know isn’t aligned with your values, interests, and principles. manage your time, energy, and attention as if you are the only one responsible for it—because you are.

somatic techniques: research techniques that are known to send oxygen to the brain (i.e breath work), learn to notice your sensations, seek out practitioners who are skilled and can guide you in this process. if you already have somatic tools, use them even when you don’t feel like it. that’s what they’re for.

curiosity and trust: energetic overwhelm is often stimulated by fear or distrust. ask yourself where you can practice more bravery or self-trust, especially when it comes to protection rituals. trust the imagery that comes to mind, trust the whispers you hear, trust the nudges that come from your heart, your solar plexus, or your sacral. that will be the most powerful protection magic. your benevolent ancestors live in your body; ask them to speak to you in the ways only you could understand, or in ways you couldn’t possibly misunderstand.

this is a very short list but you don’t need to concentrate super hard or access transcendence to use these. it does help to ground and clear any anxiety you can before engaging in magic so you’re centered, but if you can’t these things can help you to do so.

ritual is about creating containers wherein you can be as present and grounded as possible. because energetic and spiritual hygiene is nervous system regulation and vice versa.

may this season be gentle with you, and more importantly may you be exceedingly gentle with yourself!