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neptune in quarantine

I think of Neptune as the etheric technologies that electronic technology replicates. the ability to see each other regardless of physical proximity, talk to each other across oceans, and generally connect at any time from anywhere is one we are born with. it emerges from the obscuration of lines between dimensions and realities. it happens in our dream work or astral travel. it’s in the everything we don’t say and can’t hear but is still absorbed.

multidimensional technologies + electronic technologies =superpowers.

Neptune in pisces (2012-2025) has been a salvation for many as Saturn in aquarius brought us more isolation, distance, and spatial boundaries in March 2020. Neptune has allowed us to remember our interconnectedness regardless through The Internet (Saturn in aquarius), and for some, through the increased psychic space available to enter the ethereal.

I think this was especially supportive during July-December 2020 when Saturn had retrograded back into capricorn, creating a sign-based sextile (potential support) between the tangible (Saturn) and the etheric (Neptune). Saturn needs reminders of the permeable, temporal, and nonlinear from Neptune. Neptune needs help with boundaries, structure, and integrity from Saturn. with great powers come great response-abilities, or whatever Spiderman’s uncle said.

The best magic happens with clear intention.

now that Saturn is in aquarius for the next two years, I am thinking about how Saturn can’t see Neptune in pisces because they are right next to each other and therefore outside of each other’s vision. what happens when Neptune has no boundaries? illusion, delusion, and entanglement. what happens when Saturn has no multidimensional awareness? restrictive realities, oppression, separateness, and unnecessary suffering.

Saturn and Neptune must be brought into collaboration more intentionally now that most of us are relying on electronic/long-distance connection in some shape or form. fortunately, Neptune in pisces is ruled by Jupiter currently in a Saturn sign (aquarius) which provides a different way into their necessary collaboration. I believe that way is within.

what are your nonnegotiable boundaries and principles? what are your interests and where is your integrity? these are the chisels that will shape the contributions and containers that hold your relationships.

it makes me think about long-distance relationships (whether the distance is in location or alignment) and how much easier it can be to project a fantasy, anxiety, or ideal onto someone. natural law says that something must fill the empty space, created in this case by a gap between reality and expectation. when Jupiter joins Neptune by entering pisces May 14-July 28th (a lil’ teaser trailer) minding this gap will become even more crucial.

there is a Saturn-Neptune sweet spot available in utilizing solitude to clarify our intentions and flex our etheric skills (attention to the unseen) without staying there entirely alone because we are afraid of disappointment. the sweet spot is experiencing connection without controlling it or betraying ourselves. the sweet spot is response-ability and surrender to impermanence. it’s sustainability between our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. it’s moving slowly enough to be able to simultaneously attend to linear time & the nonlinear quantum speed of (un)reality. the sweet spot is big love you can trust.

interconnectedness supported by boundaries and solitude creates space for internal freedom and relational longevity. we need this because we deserve to have what we really want: each other.

[insert multidimensional swooning here]

ritualistic recommendations: remember to bring the third dimension into your interactions. use your somatic awareness and intelligence. use voice notes, video, phone calls, and real-time connection as much as you can. pace yourself until the third dimension (the physical experience) can provide more information. call back the parts of yourself that know that the surreal is real, too. lean into your dreams, telepathy, etheric touch and travel. maintain your energetic protection and spiritual hygiene. orchestrate trustworthy realities through imagination and ancestral veneration. 

book a reading if you need 1:1 astrological & emoceanal support in navigating Saturn, Neptune, or relationship anarchy in general.