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Saturn in Aquarius Workshop Now Open to Everyone

due to popular request & reading the astrological room, I’m now offering this Saturn in aquarius workshop to anyone who wants to join. this pop-up emoceanal support group is for those preparing to clarify their devotions & deepen their disciplines during their first Saturn return or this transit in general.

Join me in discussing the following with curiosity & humility:

  • consequences & integration

  • growing up with Saturn vs. growing up into Saturn

  • building between the seen & unseen realms

  • work as intentional attention

  • how Saturn preserves culture & honors elders

  • the paradigmatic ways of aquarius

  • understanding Saturn outside the colonial lens

  • Saturn through the houses

I won’t be looking at individual charts this time to increase attendance capacity & manage time, but will still be answering questions. if you are not able to make it live, you can ask me your question in the intake form & will receive the replay for download.

horoscope members will receive a 100% off registration discount code via email.

30% of the proceeds will be going to CEPA, an organization in Puerto Rico offering decolonial healing, mutual aid, & other strategic diasporic solidarity miracles en Boriken.