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dark moon recommendation

new moon in pisces | February 23 @ 10:32AM EST

I’m sinking deep into exploring my own emotional availability during this dark moon. it’s bringing up all the things that are taking up space. kinda like my phone keeps telling me there’s no more storage. I tried just deleting stuff but I actually need an upgrade, a whole new phone. which also challenges my ability to trust the resources for that will show up.

this has me thinking about how not holding on to more than we need offers us emotional availability. knowing when we actually need more & being willing to receive it generates emotional generosity. generous = giving that exceeds expectation without promise of equal exchange. you can only sustainably do that if you’re emotionally available to yourself, first & foremost. this may require tapping into your unconditional lovability.

what would being emotionally available to yourself feel like? what could you let go of so a different, more supportive iteration showed up? do you believe that’s possible? how would you bravely experiment with it?

in the prelude for the March horoscopes, I write about shame as the inverse of resentment/ the relationship between anger, grief work, & unconditional lovability/ why boundaries protect love/ using your agency to create clear containers & more.

at least until the new moon, hydrate like every drink is a benediction & breathe like every inhale is a gift you give right back to the world.
