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new sh*t in the shop

It's midnight & I've spent the past 3 and 1/2 hours updating the Shop. HTML, format formulation, copy refining, etc. A ton of back end shit. Yet I wanted to update yous before I fall asleep. Here's what's new: 

*Minor tweaks to the Transitions reading. Finessed clarification that it is a space for your questions, along with an added 1/2hr: $20 option if you're on a budget or want more succinct astral info. 

*Total removal of New/Full Moon readings as you can now get that with Monthly Astral Support For $10 a month, you get a mini New AND Full Moon reading specific to your chart. Subscribe to automatic billing & get it straight to your inbox.

*The Star Compass is now a 3 month course where you & I get to know your chart. This will be like getting a reading & taking a class; the three month process will provide you with in-depth analysis of your chart. When we are done with our time together, you will be familiar with your natal chart & able to track transits if you choose. 

We're deep in Pisces season right now, so the subconscious/supernatural/super-sensory vibe is on high right now. These are the times we need astral support the most- that ethereal connection that simultaneously grounds us. Or is that just me? Pisces moon here! 

And's a magic that interconnects it all- science, nature, psychology, yet is always being silenced. We forget to listen to our bodies. To look at the sky, at the sea, & remember. We forget what we already know. 

This is not just horoscopes & readings. This is a return to Earth. Return to the Heavens. To yourself. So if any of this feels like it's dropping into your heart, & you have to catch your breath, or is simply vibrating through your being, resonating with your saltwater, with your stardust...chill with me. 

saltwater & stars

p.s: subscribers got this info & every blog post straight to their inbox- just sign up here so you can too!