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full moon in virgo: get our sh*t together

Full Moon in Virgo
22 Degrees
March 12 | 10:54 AM EDT

I slept in this morning unexpectedly (the body wants what it wants & it needs to get it with a Virgo moon) so these are being posted a little later than ideal. But they’re here, & I hope they support you. 

*Monthly Astral Support subscribers…remember to also reference last months email*

So this Full Moon is going to illuminate a lot. Details we weren't attending to, cleaning & purging (metaphysical/literal) that needs done, & what we could let go to function more lightly. Virgo being an earth sign makes this so much about grounding & implementing. What are ideas/tasks/conversations you've had swirling around but haven't communicated or released yet?

I always emphasize how Full Moons are about climax- the work & time we've put into something that will create pleasure/results. We're always doing that: how we spend our time, who/what/where we choose to invest into, what we do on the daily. This is all creation of a lived experience. And we can look ahead with intention (not control)/  be aware of what we need in order to be able to build.  

This is emphasized by a tense aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius- our current journey of structuring & learning what our true visions/beliefs are. The Full Moon might bring up details or applications that you haven't realized yet. It might show what pieces of your perspective that you may need to release or integrate.

 Saturn in Sag has tension with the Pisces vibe right now- being unrelentingly true vs. fluidity. We can do both; it's about focus on principle while acknowledging the undercurrents of consciousness. Getting our shit together isn't about performance or appearances, but actual integration & ease of access to our deeper selves. 

This process might be challenging, but it is supported by Pluto in Caporicorn- the transformation of our structures/traditions/work. Pluto is always death-rebirth cycles; since Virgo and Capricorn are earth signs, we're dealing with more grounded transformation that manifests more tangibly through pragmatic changes & adjustments. 

(Jupiter in Libra & Uranus in Aries are still fucking with each other can read about that here.

So, these 'scopes are zoned in on the spheres you may need support/clarity in. What themes might be present under this analytical Moon & how you can access an in-power (authenticity+integrity) approach. I ask a lot of questions because…Virgo. 

Reminder: these are via Rising Sign, but if you don’t know your you can read for your Sun sign. 

ARIES: Getting our shit together isn't about some performance tactic where we aim for perfection or no fuck ups. Getting our shit together is about alignment. What feels good, what makes sense, what is working & what isn't? These are questions to ask with this Virgo Full Moon. Because you'll probably get the answers if you're willing to look beneath the surface for what needs adjustment. Then everything else gets clear. Tending to loose ends, finishing projects, & organizing the material realm will also bring about tangible results with this vibe as long as you remember that everything is process. 

TAURUS: The quality of whatever you have been engaged in creating/experiencing, for the benefit of your individuation, will show up now. This could be tiny necessary adjustments, or significant realignments. Or your project/internal journey could come to a point of fruition & revelation. OR ALL OF THAT AT ONCE. It's okay. Breathe. Ground (do what reminds you you're human). Give yourself space to process. Prioritize. And keep it moving. TRUST YO'SELF. 

GEMINI: I just want to reassure you that even though not everyone & everything stays, you can lean into your discernment (as you learn about your self & response-ability) when examining relationships/environments that aren't working for who you are becoming. You can create new foundations. It takes time, it takes work, it takes growth, but you have choice. Doesn't mean the extraction or adjustment periods are easy. But it means you got this. And if what you got going on in the home/roots/heart sphere is working, you'll get that affirmation. 

CANCER: This could be one of those checkpoints where you have to filter everything (information, interactions). Think quality, not quantity. What is taking up too much space? Or not enough? You're allowed to change your mind. You're allowed to set parameters. You're allowed to grow out of & in to. You're allowed to be insatiable & demand more from input...and your output. What needs your attention? 

LEO: This Full Moon is about resource for you. You can ground in gratitude for the resources that have shown up & supported you. You may also find yourself analyzing what your values are & how that informs your resourcefulness, & who/what is a resource to you. We're talking money, but also energy/time. Focus on quality over quantity, & prioritize self-investment that keeps you strong, steady, & soft. Can you relax into what you have to give & receive? You're enough. Doesn't mean you stop progressing. Just means you do so not out of a fear of inedquacy or  scarcity, but authentic need. 

VIRGO: Virgo represents the developmental stage of adulthood in astro-psychology. Get your shit together really just means gather it, organize it, utilize it. This could be metaphorical, metaphysical, or literal (Virgo loves cleanliness). This is why Virgo has to do with health: being in the body, the processes, efficiency, & functions. So, utilize this Full Moon to see where you're at & how you've changed. Are there any plans (particularly those intiated during last months Pisces new moon or last Septembers Virgo new moon) that have come to closure? Internal processes that are receiving closure? Revelations that need integration? 

LIBRA: I’m definitely feeling the Magician vibe for you with this Moon. I see you having more access to the part of yourself that knows you can wield magic. What is magic? With the Virgo vibe, I want to define it as knowing your deep inner truth & wishes & prayers, to whatever God is real for you (or to yourself as God) and infusing your everyday, your mundane reality, with rituals/reminders. What have you been hiding/keeping secret because you didn’t want to look like you didn’t have it all together? Are you listening? 

SCORPIO: You don’t need to fit in to your social circles. You need to show up as you, & everything else must adjust. You don’t need to align with everyone or “make sense”. You need to trust your process & know you will never know everything or control their perceptions. You don’t need to put your visions on hold for the greater good- your visions & the way you move in the world are the vision. Who is showing up for/with you? You got this. 

SAGITTARIUS: Acknowledge your progress/work thus far & see what you want to plan for next. You just have to sift through what’s working & what’s not? Balance might be a myth…but you might want to analyze where your energy/time is being spent & how that is effective. Full Moons are illumination but they’re also opportunities for closure. What needs to be let go of right now, in order for you to continue to move forward? What support do you need? 

CAPRICORN: It is our perspectives that inform our approaches. What we think makes sense & helps us cope with realities. You’re allowed to change your mind. This Full Moon may actually be asking you to think on what you believe & why…and is it true for you? Override the urge to fix everything or change everything or feel like everything isn’t good enough. Get deeper than that. Get to your why. To your belief systems when it comes to how you relate to the world, how you translate pain into power. That’s where the cleaning work needs to be.

AQUARIUS: Deep cleaning time! Shit that’s been lurking in the depths (emotions, epiphanies) come to the surface demanding attention. Don’t externalize all of this work into your intimate relationships, though there might be some adjustment needed there. Focus on making time to be with yourself & your deep needs & feelings. If this is not as intense for you, use it as a time to give yourself permission to communicate a little more vulnerably, or to set some protective boundaries. Or to finally say “no” or “yes” to that thing/person. 

PISCES: This might be tense time as you feel pulled to earth. Virgo is opposite of Pisces, so it’s a true earth vs. water vibe. Utilize the time to ground & also infuse the mundane with magic. If some relationship/commitment is proving to be draining, some clarity/release may be necessary. Can your relationships be showing up more supportively for you? Could you for them? 

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