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gemini full moon {mermaid musings}

It's interesting to watch projects, connections, or collaborations come to an end while we approach this full moon. And they're not even so much endings as recalibration. New downloads, fresh software. Not coming from an external source but the utilization of all the data you've accumulated- since the new moon in Gemini in May or the new moon in Scorpio two weeks ago. 

I was talking about experiential learning (something I've been thinking about since reading this and this) earlier today and I'm struck by how little room there has been for that in my life. Process has been learn + implement= perfection. But there is so much in between that actually happens. Jupiter/Sagittarius is concerned with the big picture, the goal, the aim. I feel like in the midst of the sun, saturn + mercury (ruler of Gemini and going retro on full moon day) being in Sagittarius, the full moon is like a DEEP BREATH of air so you can keep walking through the fire.

It's a reminder of all the little victories, tiny steps, incremental movements, and most of all the layers + layers of learning that have happened. That do happen, with or without our tender loving attention while we're focused on the VISION. I find myself craving less clarity as I realize that yes, it will come but sometimes it is not an epiphany or moment. Sometimes we cultivate clarity, as we leave room + make space for experiential learning. 

Wisdom can be harvested in so many ways but if we don't use it, we deny ourselves. See if you can interrupt patterns of questioning that leave you frazzled + stuck. See if you can lean into what you've learned, what you already know, in moments of confusion instead of seeking new answers. And, because the sun IS in Sagittarius, ask yourself deeper questions. Like, what do you actually believe is possible? What is your relationship to hope? Like, fuck. We need these things to breathe, especially when we're so underwater we're forgetting how to. 

The reason I work with the moon-cycles so much is because it requires intentionality + there is so much fucking power in that. Slowing down, getting in touch enough to notice what is hiding or has been lost in the hustle. It's reclaiming our choice, our awareness. To quote the beloved adrienne maree brown
"i don’t want to spend my life reacting to other people’s cycles, their mistakes, lies, or ignorant projections, or the domination cycles of those who measure their humanity in false supremacy. those things will continue. but what we pay attention to grows. so i pay attention to the places we as a species are learning, changing, getting free, experiencing pleasure and joy."

So, my Gemini full moon + sun in Sagittarius question for you is: where is your joy + what wisdom can you trust? 

saltwater & stars