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the dark moon & xtra-virgo new moon {+eclipse}


The Sun in Virgo. The baby-fresh new moon on Thursday, in Virgo. Solar eclipse too. Something is changing. External or internal, something will not be the same, very soon. 

Plus Mercury. Venus. Jupiter. North Node. All in Virgo. 

Virgo is not playing around. I mean, not really it's job. Virgo is clean-up time, homework time, chore-time, fix-organize-adjust time. Virgo has an interesting air-earth vibe. Grounded intellect. Ruled by Mercury (so extra emphasis with Merc in Virgo going retro) but an Earth sign. 

Mercury will go retrograde {meaning it goes "backwards" in degrees, a dynamic that creates an atmosphere requiring revision, review, reflection} tomorrow, the 30th, until September 22. Things are already getting irritating- tech/electronics losing it, people being either up-tight or a mess in their approaches, that feeling of a to-do list creeping up on you & the consequent overwhelm. Mercury retro should not be a race against time or to-do lists, it is best operated as permission to take time. 

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This is the Dark Moon in Leo. Attention to the magic in details is your support system as feelings/states of being that need releasing come up. Dark moons can be odd & eerie, time for grounding & clearing. Psyches are opening for new things, seen/unseen. 

Clarity will come, if you are open & ready, so you can practice your sacred intentions with precision. In the meantime, breathe + eat + sleep so that when you need your energy, it is there. Practice (Virgo) supporting your magic with remembering you are Human, on Earth. Work hard or play hard, but do something. Even if that something is nothing. Be intentional. The solar eclipse will jump start the energy you focus on, for you. 

There may be all this grounding-down-to-earth energy with 3 planets in Virgo, the Sun & soon to be Moon. But Neptune is in Pisces, the opposite of Virgo, blurring the line between here & now & everything in between. There is such a pressure to transcend our existence, to diminish our humanity, to evolve past our "issues". Yet here we are. Moment to moment inevitable. What would we be if we accepted that? I imagine some killer combo of humbled & powerful. 

Oh, Pisces. 

Virgo has a damaged rep' of over thinker & control freak. Really, Virgo is just good at the details. Good at healing & mending. Good at earth medicine. Translating magic into the mundane. And that's what we need right now. With all this mundane, with all this humanity, we need the magic. But no escapism. No fantasies. We need to be here now, in everything we are. Sometimes that means admitting that we're human. 

I had a sort of metaphysical experience last night. I felt uneasy since, until I just realized before writing this that it triggered my fear of the unknown. Triggered my anxiety about the other foot dropping when I least expect it. Or even when I do, because I always seem to nowadays. Triggered my over-analyzation when I could be surrendering, could let it all flow through & around me. Triggers. 

Pay attention to yours, listen for the panic. Mercury retro & the change to come will give you messages. So much lies here. The in-between. Transition. This is where you choose between control & surrender. Support & drowning. Acceptance & rejection. Self-help & self-harm. Between now & never. 

saltwater & stars

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