venus in taurus

love & lunacy {current mood}

a little love from my altar: letting myself get up in my feels

a little love from my altar: letting myself get up in my feels

I'm back from my lovely week at the beach. The during & aftermath have been rather intense (we'll get into why below- thanks Cancer vs. Capricorn!). Yet I'm learning so much about my own ghosts & fears- as I usually do during Cancer season since it's my 12th house (spirituality, unconscious/subconscious). In other news, I am now engaged! My beloved asked my at the edge of the ocean last week on Summer Solstice. It's divine. 

I've been thinking about how dangerous & unpredictable our unmet need for external validation becomes when we repress, suppress, and/or deny it. Growing up I wasn't supposed to acknowledge or indulge this "weak" need to be seen & heard by others, let alone validated. Now, I continue to see shit come up for me around it & figure out how to navigate honoring this need in a healthy way. What does it feel like to be validated? And what does it feel like to not allow yourself to be? Or when you want to be seen & heard by certain someones & you're not? 

The Moon is in Virgo, the analytical down-to-earthiness we need to navigate the sky right now. Cancer season is sweet yet also a force to be reckoned with. So much water, with not only the Sun but Mars & Mercury in Cancer too opposed by Pluto in Capricorn. Shit is being stirred up, & it hurts, it's painful, but there is so much healing possibility if we can engage with our capacity for the hard shit while leaning into the loved ones we know are there to support us. 

Moon in Virgo is trine Venus in Taurus, which I had forgotten about until now. Venus in Taurus is smooth & soft & fucking devoted to its pleasure. This is a great time for musings around money, material realms, self-image, & pleasure itself. How you get it, how you want it, & what more you need from it. Let the love in. 

Jupiter in Libra isn't done: it's also here for the Cancer lunacy, pulling us into questions about relationship, commitment, & ethics. How do we navigate social circles/relationships while staying true? Jupiter in Libra is acting like a constant checkpoint for the hard work that needs to be done around dismantling "niceness" & replacing it with authentic integrity in a way that honors human complexity & dignity. This ties into my musings around external validation- Libra wants it, & Jupiter in Libra wants a lot of it. But are we willing to compromise ethics? Or our sanity? So then we look to where we are receiving it or how we can do so in healthy ways. Maybe even...asking for it. <3

We're also supported by Neptune in Pisces flowing insight & unconditional love into the Cancer lunacy, & Saturn in Sagittarius (still here teaching us candor & expansion) supporting the erratic chaotic revolution of Uranus in Aries- the remaking of the self, for many of us. Use the Moon in Virgo to ground, get details sorted, & analyze real-time strategies. Don't fix what ain't broken.

saltwater & stars

strong & sweet {current mood}

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The mood feels strong & sweet to me currently. It is still Gemini season with the emphasis of Mercury, ruler of Gemini, actually in Gemini right now. This is keeping us flexible & perhaps a little more open to possibility than usual. If you are an air sign or have planets in air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) this is probably a busy/alive time for you. Fire signs/planet people (Aries,Leo, Sag) this can also be a breath of fresh air. Water & earth people (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces) might be experiencing some discomfort but it is a good time to flex some new muscles.

 This is supported by Saturn in Sagittarius, opposing Gemini yet in a way that adds substance, clarity, & candor to our learnings. Neptune in Pisces is also here, in a more tense aspect that can mean we are working through subconscious/unconscious shit- tough, yet it can be worked through by leaning into our intuition. 

Venus is at home in Taurus reminding us to slow down enough to take pleasure from everything earthly- nature, beauty, lust, money, the senses. Like a reminder to desire. Visualize yourself glazed in honey (or a similarly sweet & smooth substance) in total relaxation, absorbing strength. That's what Venus in Taurus feels like to me. Never forget though, that Venus can demand love & respect- knows what it wants & takes it. No asking for permission. 

Mars is in Cancer...not so much at home yet I've always like this placement. Mars is the Warrior, Cancer is the mother. Fierce love. Nurturing fire. Protector of strength. Sometimes this combo of Mother & Mars is challenging because Cancer wants to keep their shit soft & sweet, Mars couldn't give less of a fuck about that. But when that paradox is understood, Mars can be utilized to keep things soft & sweet through protection of boundaries, fighting for love/safety, & strengthening the heart. It can also become cranky so if you are feeling extra sensitive/angry, create a channel for that energy (body movement, time alone, good food, purging). 

Jupiter is direct in Libra since the Full Moon on Friday & I am feeling this as super sweet- expansion of relationships that can move forward with integrity & a reaffirmed sense of direction. This may also be because it is on my Venus & my own Jupiter is in Libra, but because of all the work Jupiter has been doing with Pluto in Capricorn & Uranus in Aries, I think this is available to all of us. Jupiter sweetness is something that is bestowed upon you usually, but sometimes there does need to be a conscious tap into it- this translates to me as alignment. Check your own integrity & values & whether or not they're thoroughly filtering relationships/directional decisions for you. 

I'm just looking at the chart for today thinking- Wow, so much good work going on. So many epiphanies, break throughs, channeling, & opportunities for integration. If you're finding yourself in the tougher spectrum of this, I see you & I'm sending you strength & sweetness. 

I was unwell this week, thus the absence of mermaid musings on the Full Moon in Sagittarius here on the blog. You can always follow me on Facebook & Insta for more frequent musings! The New Moon Horoscopes will be up this week for subscribers; earlier than usual as I will be at the beach for the week of Summer Solstice/ New Moon in Cancer! The New Moon Special will not be available though you can subscribe to the Horoscopes for astral support- it's $10 a month!  

saltwater & stars